grammaticalization of 'say' as complementizer

Matthew Dryer dryer at
Mon Nov 10 18:16:57 UTC 2003

Last winter I put a query on Funknet regarding the grammaticalization of 
verbs meaning 'say' as complementizers.  Below, very belatedly, is a 
summary of sources I was referred to, for those who are interested.

My thanks to all those who responded to my query.

Matthew Dryer

Botne, Robert D. 1998. "Evolution of future tenses from serial 'SAY' 
constructions in  central eastern Bantu." Diachronica 15 (2). 207-30.

Buck, Carl D. 1915. Words of speaking and saying in the Indo-European 
languages: First  Paper. American Journal of Philology 36:1-18

----------------. 1915. Words of Speaking and Saying in the Indo-European 
languages:  Second Paper. American Journal of Philology 36:2:125-154

Coulmas, Florian. Ed. 1986. Direct and Indirect Speech.Berlin, New York, 
Amsterdam:  Mouton, 1986.

Guy Deutscher. 2000. Syntactic Change in Akkadian: The Evolution of 
Sentential Complementation. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Ebert, Karen H., 1991. "Vom Verbum dicendi zur Konjunktion. Ein Kapitel 
universaler  Grammatikentwicklung". In: P. Rinderknecht & W. Bisang 
(Hrsg.), Von Europa  bis Ozeanien - von der Antonymie zum Relativsatz. 
Gedenkschrift für Meinrad  Scheller. Zürich: Seminar für Allgemeine 
Sprachwissenschaft. 77-95. 

Fournier, Henri. 1946. Les Verbes "DIRE" en Grec Ancien. Paris: Librairie 
C.  Klincksieck.

Frajzyngier,  Zygmunt. 1996. Grammaticalization of the Complex Sentence: A 
case study  in Chadic. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins. Complementary 
Series to the  Study in Language.

---------------------------. 1995a . Two complementizers of Lele. Studia 
Chadica et  Hamitosemitica, Akten des Internationalen Symposions zur 
Tschadsprachenforschung, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat, Frankfurt am 
Main, 6.-8. Mai 1991, Ed. by Dymitr Ibriszimow and Rudolf Leger, with 
Gerald  Schmitt. Cologne: Rüdiger Koeppe. 163-170.

---------------------------. 1991b  The de dicto domain in language. 
Approaches to  Grammaticalization. Ed. by Elizabeth C. Traugott and Bernd 
Heine. Volume I  Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins. 219-251.

François, Alexandre. 2002 Araki : A disappearing language of Vanuatu. 
Pacific  Linguistics, 522. Canberra: Australian National University.

Givón, Talmy (1982). Evidentiality and epistemic space. Studies in Language 

Givón, Talmy, and Alexandre Kimenyi (1974). Truth, Belief and Doubt in 
Kinyarwanda.  Studies in African Linguistics, Supplement 5, 95-113.

Gouffé, Claude. 1970. Sur les emplois grammaticalisés du verbe 'dire' en 
haoussa.  Comptes rendus du Groupe Linguistique d'Etudes 
Chamito-Sémitiques, 15, pp 77- 90.

Güldemann, Tom. 2002. When "say" is not say: the functional universatility 
of the Bantu  quotative marker ti with special reference to Shona. In: 
Reported discourse: a  meeting ground for different linguistic domains 
(Typological studies in language,  vol 52), pp 253-288. Edited by Tom 
Güldemann & Manfred von Roncador.  Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co.

Harris, Alice C. and Campbell, Lyle. 1995. Historical syntax in 
cross-linguistic  perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Heine, Bernd; Güldemann, Tom; Kilian-Hatz, Christa; Lessau, Donald A.; 
Roberg,  Heinz; Schladt, Mathias; Stolz, Thomas. 1993. Conceptual shift: a 
lexicon of  grammaticalization processes in African languages. In 
Afrikanistische  Arbeitspapiere, special issue, vol 34/35. University of 
Cologne. pp 322-.

Klamer, M. 2000.  How report verbs become quote markers and 
complementisers. Lingua 110. pp 69-98.

Lord, Carol. 1993. Historical Change in Serial Verb Constructions. 
Amsterdam: John  Benjamins.

Miller, Catherine. 2001. Grammaticalisation du verbe dire et subordination 
en Juba  Arabic. In Leçons d'Afrique filiation, rupture et reconstitution 
des langues: un  jommage à G. Manessy (Afrique et langage), pp 455-482. 
Louvain: Editions  Peeters.

Miller, Cynthia L. 1996. The representation of speech in biblical Hebrew 
narrative : a  linguistic analysis. Harvard Semitic Museum publications. 
Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars  Press.

Noonan, Michael. ms. ?Direct speech as a rhetorical style in Chantyal.?

Lynch, John, Ross, Malcolm and Crowley, Terry. 2002.  The Oceanic 
languages.  Richmond: Curzon Press.

Serzisko, Fritz. 1987. The verb 'to say' in Ik (Kuliak). Afrikanistische 
Arbeitspapiere, 11,  pp 67-92.

Su, Lily I-wen. 2002. I say what I mean: Between speech and thought. Papers 
presented  at the 3rd symposium on Chinese lexical semantics. Academia 
Sinica, Taipei,  Taiwan.

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