Call for Papers: The Peterborough Chronicle Panel

Alex Bergs bergs at
Mon Sep 29 11:49:59 UTC 2003


The Peterborough Chronicle Panel

(ICEHL 13, Vienna, August 23-28, 2004)

The Peterborough Chronicle Panel is concerned with a variety of

linguistic and other approaches to the mid-twelfth-century manuscript

'E' of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, better known as the 'Peterborough

Chronicle' (PC). The panel will be organized in connection with the 13th

International Conference on English Historical Linguistics at the

University of Vienna next August.

            CALL FOR PAPERS

The PC is an outstanding example of very early Middle English and as

such known to practically everyone teaching the history of English. It

continues to be a valuable source of data for many historical linguists

and philologists, especially those interested in the transition from Old

to Middle English. Its linguistic structures and phenomena on the

phonological, morphological, syntactic, lexical, orthographic, and

discourse level have not ceased to attract the attention of historical

linguists. We believe it is now time for a conference workshop dedicated

solely to this manuscript, its language and its historical embedding.

The objective of the panel is to bring together scholars working on

various aspects of the PC and inform the audience about current issues

in their work.

We invite 20-minute papers dealing with any aspect of the language or

history of the Peterborough Chronicle, with emphasis on the

post-Conquest entries. The perspective may be either research-oriented

or reflect the use of the PC as teaching material at university level.

Linguistic papers with focus on other aspects than syntax are

particularly welcome.

The deadline for abstracts is 15th January, 2004. Please e-mail a

300-word abstract to the panel organizers as plain text in the body of

the message. More information is available at

 <> (the PC Panel homepage).

Notification of acceptance will be made in February, 2004.


Dr. Alexander T. Bergs, M.A. (bergs at

Anglistik III - English Language and Linguistics

Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf

Universitaetsstr. 1

D-40225 Duesseldorf, Germany

Mr Janne Skaffari, M.A., Lic.Phil. (janne.skaffari at

Department of English

University of Turku

FIN-20014 Turku, Finland

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