AESLA'S Conference- Palma de Mallorca (Spain)

Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza francisco.ruiz at
Mon Dec 13 14:46:36 UTC 2004

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We are pleased to remind you that the 23rd edition of the AESLA’s International Conference will be held at the Universitat de les Illes Balears, in Palma de Mallorca (Spain), from 10-12 March 2005. The theme of the Conference is Learning and Using Language in the Information and Communication Society. The deadline for the submission of papers, round tables and posters is 15th December 2004. Proposals can be submitted in Spanish, Catalan, English or French and should be sent to the Panel Co-ordinator of the corresponding research field and conform to the AESLA’s guidelines for publication (

We also take pleasure in announcing the attendance to the Conference of the following Plenary Speakers:

Prof. John A. Barnden (University of Birmingham): Lessons from an AI Research Project on         Metaphor.
Prof. Carol A. Chapelle (Iowa State University): Conference title to be confirmed.
Prof. Guy Cook (University of Rea
ding): Applied Linguistics: Definitions Disguising             Disagreements.
Prof. Angela Downing (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): Conference title to be 
Prof. Willis Edmonsdon (Universität Hamburg): Conference title to be confirmed.
Prof. Rod Ellis (University of Auckland): Instruction and L2 Implicit and Explicit Knowledge.
Prof. Larry Selinker (University of New York): Researching the Language of Scholarship within         a Safe Rule Perspective.
Prof. Maria Teresa Turell (Universitat Pompeu Fabra): Aplicaciones forenses de la lingüística 
    descriptiva y de corpus.

For more information on the Conference visit The site also contains useful general information about the Universitat de les Illes Balears, along with full details about accommodation for conference participants, the pre-programme, the guidelines for submitting papers, and the registration form.

We are continuing to work on our academic and social pr
ogramme in order to offer you a fruitful and enjoyable experience. Please note that our social programme includes a  Gala Dinner which will take place on Friday 11th March at the Real Club Náutico, a restaurant which is situated right in the Port of Palma, with a wonderful view of the bay and only a 10-minute walk from the old city. Other highlights include a walking tour of the old city and an excursion to the picturesque village of Valldemossa. We hope you find our social events appealing and join in.  Please confirm your attendance by filling in the booking form.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Palma.
Best wishes.

AESLA Palma’05
Organizing Committee of the 23rd AESLA’S INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE

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