
Henrik Rosenkvist Henrik.Rosenkvist at nordlund.lu.se
Mon Feb 2 06:44:09 UTC 2004

Some time ago I asked for grams that may mean both 'except' and
'unless'. I thank all contributors! The list I have compiled is:

(Old) English:	but, except
German:		ausser (wenn)
Spanish:		salvo (que)
Old Swedish:	utan, num
Old Norse, Icel.:	nema
Arabic:		'illa
Latin		nisi

Of these grams, utan, but and ausser seem to be developed from grams
meaning 'outside'.

Henrik R.

Henrik Rosenkvist
Dep. of Scandinavian Languages
Helgonabacken 14
223 62 Lund
tel: 046-222 87 13
fax: 046-222 42 41

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