Final Call: Image Schemas and Linguistic Relativity
Monica Gonzalez-Marquez
mg246 at
Tue May 4 02:57:13 UTC 2004
Final call for abstracts
Deadline:Wednesday, May 5
EMCL*: A Workshop on Image-Schemas and Linguistic Relativity
July 17, 2004
University of Portsmouth, UK
To precede the Language, Culture, and Mind conference (July 18-20)
In cognitive linguistics, image schemas are pre-linguistic cognitive
structures, arising from universal aspects of how the human body
interacts with its environment, both physical and social, and existing
largely outside of conscious awareness. It follows that image schemas
are the same for everyone, regardless of the language a person speaks.
In contrast, the idea of linguistic relativity maintains that language
influences thought. The goal of the workshop is to scrutinize
assumptions surrounding image-schemas and linguistic relativity in an
attempt to elucidate (and resolve) the conflict between the two research
We invite submissions from researchers working in either or both areas,
and are especially interested in experimental approaches to the issues.
Please send a 500 word anonymous abstract as an attachment in text
format to Monica Gonzalez-Marquez at mg246 at
Deadline: May 5, 2004
Notification of acceptance: May 20, 2004
Organising Committee:
Stanka Fitneva
Monica Gonzalez-Marquez
Stephanie Pourcel
Jrg Zinken
* Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics
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