Postdoctoral Research Position - Manchester

Daniel L.Everett dan.everett at
Tue May 11 19:07:06 UTC 2004

The University of Manchester
Faculty of Arts
School of English and Linguistics
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Ref 518/04

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in the 
documentation and description of an endangered Amazonian language. This 
post is sponsored by the Economic and Social Research Council of the UK 
under research grant held by Professor Daniel L. Everett. The ideal 
candidate will have a strong record of linguistics field research and 
theoretical linguistics and will be expected to contribute to the 
research profile of the new Department of Linguistics and English 
Language and to present papers at departmental seminars and 
conferences. There may also be opportunities to be involved in 
workshops and intensive training courses. Fluency in Brazilian 
Portuguese is desirable.

Salary is in the range £18,893 - £21,010 per annum.  This is a 3 year 
post starting as soon possible after 10 June 2004.

For informal enquiries about the fellowship, please contact Professor 
Daniel L. Everett, Professor of Phonetics and Phonology, Department of 
Linguistics and English Language, The University of Manchester, 
Manchester, M13 9PL, UK. E-mail: dan.everett at

Closing date: 28 May 2004, Interviews are expected to be held on 7 June 
2004.  Please quote the appropriate reference number 518/04.

Application forms and further particulars for all posts can be obtained 
from the Office of the Director of Personnel, the University of 
Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL. Tel: +44-161-2752028; Fax 
+44-161-275-2471; Minicom: (for the hearing impaired): 
+44-161-275-7889; email:   Web site:

The University will actively foster a culture of inclusion and 
diversity and will seek to achieve true equality of opportunity for all 
members of its community.

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