Functions of Language

Lachlan Mackenzie jl.mackenzie at
Tue Nov 16 14:12:02 UTC 2004


Functions of Language seeks to be the major outlet for
functionalist linguistics worldwide. Since the appearance
of volume 10 of the journal in 2003, a new editorial team
has been developing and making more explicit the strengths
of the previous nine volumes. The aim is to encourage open
and lively debate under the guidance of an editorial board
that represents every major stream in current

Functions of Language encourages the interplay of theory
and description, and provides space for the detailed
analysis, qualitative or quantitative, of linguistic data
from the full spectrum of human languages. Its scope is
broad, covering such matters as prosodic phenomena in
phonology, the clause in its communicative context, and
regularities of pragmatics, conversation and discourse, as
well as the interaction between the various levels of
analysis. The overall purpose is to contribute to our
understanding of how the use of languages in speech and
writing has impacted, and continues to impact, upon the
structure of those languages.

Functions of Language promotes the constructive interaction
between linguistics and such neighbouring disciplines as
sociology, cultural studies, psychology, ethology,
communication studies, translation theory and educational

This journal is anonymously peer-reviewed and indexed in:
IBR/IBZ, INIST, Language Abstracts, Linguistic
Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique, LLBA, MLA
Bibliography. An electronic edition is available at
ingentaJournals (

ISSN: 0929-998X
E-ISSN: 1569-9765

J. Lachlan Mackenzie, Lisbon
Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen, Ghent University
Geoff Thompson, University of Liverpool

Review Editor
Jean-Christophe Verstraete, Fund for Scientific Research -
Flanders (Belgium), University of Leuven

Managing Editor
Miriam Taverniers, Ghent University

Honorary Editor
M.A.K. Halliday, Emeritus University of Sydney

Editorial Board
Christopher S. Butler, University of Wales Swansea
Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen, University of Konstanz
John W. DuBois, University of California, Santa Barbara
Robin P. Fawcett, University of Wales, Cardiff
Eva Hajicová, Charles University Prague
Mike Hannay, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Ruqaiya Hasan, Macquarie University
Martin Haspelmath, Max Planck Institut Leipzig
Susan Hunston, University of Birmingham
Ronald W. Langacker, UCSD
Ricardo Mairal Usón, National University of Distance
Learning, Madrid
William C. Mann, University of Southern California/SIL
J.R. Martin, University of Sydney
Jan Nuyts, University of Antwerp
Anna Siewierska, University of Lancaster
Michael Silverstein, University of Chicago
Gerard J. Steen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Michael Stubbs, University of Trier
John R. Taylor, University of Otago
Robert D. Van Valin Jr., University at Buffalo
Anna Wierzbicka, Australian National University

Further information at
including a sample issue and guidelines for the submission
of articles and reviews.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the
Managing Editor at <miriam.taverniers at>.

Lachlan Mackenzie
Editor of Functions of Language

Av. António Augusto de Aguiar 110 6B
1050-019 Lisboa

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