FW: [Fwd: Job Announcement]

Sherman Wilcox wilcox at unm.edu
Tue Oct 26 17:46:09 UTC 2004

JR 5745. The University of New Mexico's Department of Linguistics will be
hiring for a tenure-track position, open rank.

Minimum qualifications include Ph.D. in Linguistics by the time of
application and evidence of usage-based functionalist

research and teaching interest in at least two of the following three areas:
phonology, language change, morphosyntax.

For complete information regarding salary and position qualifications, you
may access Faculty Postings at:


or the department¹s website:


The University of New Mexico is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
employer and educator.

Sherman Wilcox, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Linguistics
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

505-277-6353 v/tty
505-277-6355 fax

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