"I'm gonna buy me a dog" (2)

Alexander Gross language at sprynet.com
Sun Sep 26 14:59:56 UTC 2004

If this is at all unclear, let me provide the missing links.  Suzette had

"I hesitate to get into this, given the current climate and the fact that I
can't offer evidence, but I guess I that's cowardly --  so here goes."

Which I took to be clearly related to something I had written one day
earlier summarizing my paper published in Translation Journal:

_And miracle of miracles, at least in the context of much "mainstream"
linguistics where so many arguments are advanced either by fiat on high or
by exquisitely meandering, metaphysical, metalinguistical meditations, each
one of these points is actually accompanied by evidence.  What on earth
would happen to this field of study if linguists were required from now on
to follow the recent example set by evidence-based medicine, so that
evidence-based linguistics were suddenly to become the norm?_

This appeared under the the subject heading "Re: On the Relativity Front..."

The paper in question can be found at:

Hope that clears up everything.

very best to all!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Wolfgang Schulze" <W.Schulze at lrz.uni-muenchen.de>
To: <FUNKNET at mailman.rice.edu>
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 6:41 AM
Subject: Re: [FUNKNET] Re: "I'm gonna buy me a dog" (2)

> Dear friends,
> I do not want to come back to my lasting posting on the 'me' issue, but
> please allow me to simply express my curiosity that arose because of the
> following two wordings:
> Suzette Haden Elgin wrote:
> >>I hesitate to get into this, given the current climate and (...)
> >>
> Alexander Gross wrote:
> >Don't worry about the "current climate," Suzette.
> >
> Since these phrases had been uttered 'in public', I dare to ask which
> climate both Suzette and Alexander are alluding to. Maybe that I appear
> as a real nosy-parker, but I can't help! Forgive me!
> Very best wishes,
> Wolfgang
> --
> Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulze
> Institut für Allgemeine und Typologische Sprachwissenschaft
> Department 'Kommunikation und Sprachen' (Dep. II) - F 13/14
> Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
> Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
> D-80539 München
> Tel.: ++49(0)89-2180-2486 (Sekr.) / -5343 (Büro)
> Fax: ++49(0)89-2180-5345
> Email: W.Schulze at lrz.uni-muenchen.de
> Web: http://www.ats.lmu.de/wschulze

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