program update : "From Gram to Mind" - Bordeaux (France) 19-21 May 2005

Guillaume Desagulier gdesagulier at
Thu Apr 28 12:49:41 UTC 2005

Apologies for multiple postings / Toutes nos excuses pour les envois


International Conference / Colloque international

Bordeaux, 19-21 May 2005

 From Gram to Mind : Grammar as Cognition

Du fait grammatical au fait cognitif.


Registration is now open. Nous vous invitons à vous inscrire dès maintenant.

For more conference details (hotel reservations, registration form,
etc.), please visit the conference website:


Program / Programme



Thursday May 19th / Jeudi 19 mai 2005


8 : 00 - 9 : 00

Registration / Accueil des participants.

9 : 00 - 9 :30

Opening address / Ouverture officielle du colloque

9 :30 - 10 :00

Plenary session 1 / Seance pleniere 1

Michel Achard, Rice University

Local Versus Global Accounts of Intransitivity

10 :00 - 10 :45

Plenary session 2 / Seance pleniere 2

Eve Sweetser, U.C. Berkeley

Mental spaces and viewpoint in gesture - and in text

11 :00 - 12 :30

Thematic sessions 1-5 / Sessions thematiques paralleles 1 à 5

12 :30 - 14 :30

Lunch / Dejeuner

14 :30 - 16 :00

Thematic sessions 6-11 / Sessions thematiques paralleles 6-11

16 :30 - 17 : 00

Coffee break / Pause cafe

17 :00 - 17 : 45

Plenary session 3 / Seance pleniere 3

Jean-Pierre Descles, Paris IV-Sorbonne / CNRS

Topological and cognitive representations of grammatical relations:

relations between prepositions, adverbs and preverbs in natural languages

17 :45 - 18 : 30

Plenary session 4 / Seance pleniere 4

Bernard Laks, Paris X- Nanterre / CNRS

Approche cognitive de la phonologie

19 :00

Cocktail reception at Palais Rohan (Town Hall) / Cocktail au Palais
Rohan (Mairie)


Friday May 20th / Vendredi 20 mai 2005


8 : 30 - 9 : 00

Registration / Accueil

9 :00 - 10 :30

Thematic Sessions 12-17 / Sessions thematiques paralleles 12-17

10 :30 - 11 : 00

Coffe break / Pause cafe

11 :00 - 12 : 00

Plenary Session 5 / Conference pleniere 5

R. Langacker, Prof. U.C. San Diego

Enunciating the Parallelism between Nominal and Clausal Grounding

12 :00 - 14 :00

Lunch / Repas

14 :00 - 15 :30

Thematic sessions 18-23 / Sessions thematiques paralleles 18-23

15 :30 - 16 : 00

Coffee break / Pause cafe

16 :00 - 17 :00

Thematic sessions (short and standard presentations) 24-29

Sessions thematiques breves 24-29

17:00 - 17:30

Coffee break / Pause cafe

17 :30 - 18 :00

Plenary session 6/ Session pleniere 6

G. Radden, University of Hambourg

A cognitive grammar of English : Qualification of things: modifiers"

18 :00 - 18 :30

Plenary session 7 / Conference pleniere 7

B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, University of Lodz

Language and cognitivism today

20 :30 - 23 :00

Conference dinner / Banquet


Saturday May 21st / Samedi 21 mai 2005


9 :00 - 9 :45

Plenary session 8 / Session pleniere 8

Paulo de Carvalho, Universite de Bordeaux 3

Le nom et le nombre. [Nouns and number]

9 :45 - 10 :30

Plenary session 9 / Session pleniere 9

Bernd Heine, University of Cologne

Cognitive and pragmatic factors in the emergence of functional categories

10 :30 - 11 :00

Coffee break / Pause cafe

11 :00 - 11 :45

Plenary session 10 / Session pleniere 10

Suzanne Kemmer, Rice University

Passive and usage.

11 :45 - 12 :30

Plenary session 11 / Seance pleniere 11

Arie Verhagen, University of Leiden

Argumentativity in grammar, communication, and cognition

12 :30 - 13 :00

Closing session / Cloture du colloque

14 :00 - 15 :30

Free wine tasting and buffet / Degustation de vins et buffet

Salons des 4 Soeurs (in the heart of Bordeaux's Golden Triangle)

Salon des 4 Soeurs (au coeur du triangle d'or de Bordeaux)

16 :00- 17 :30

Free guided tour of Bordeaux's historic districts /

Visite guidee du centre historique de Bordeaux

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