a super(b) paper on human evolution
Brian MacWhinney
macw at mac.com
Mon Aug 8 20:17:28 UTC 2005
Dear Tom et al.,
The McBrearty and Brooks paper is truly excellent, as Tom notes.
Let me also recommend two other related papers. One is a lovely
Scientific American article from June this year by Kate Wong based in
large part on McBrearty and Brooks but integrating other material
too. Great pictures. Another is
Eswaran, V., Harpending, H., & Rogers, A. (2005). Genomics refutes an
exclusively African origin of humans. Journal of Human Evolution, 49,
The idea of a sudden saltatory evolution looks less necessary when we
see the archeological precursors in Africa going back at least to
70,000 in Blombos Cave near the Cape and even further in some regards
in other locales. Of course, the ochre markings in that cave do not
have the artistic scope of the European caves, but they are clearly
planned markings. What I found important in the Eswaran et al.
article was the way in which it allows us to understand the evidence
for an evolutionary bottleneck at about 70,000 years ago not in terms
of a sudden jump, but a wave of diffusion. Moreover, the people at
the front of this wave were subject to additional interesting
evolutionary pressures. This analysis allows us to believe that
something unique did indeed happen in the late Pleistocene, but that
it happened across a period of perhaps 30,000 years as a part of a
gradualist, coevolutionary process.
--Brian MacWhinney
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