Call for Papers

Kathryn Remlinger remlingk at
Wed Feb 9 18:48:48 UTC 2005

Call for Papers: Language Variation and Change in the United States

The American Dialect Society, Midwest Region
With the Midwest Modern Language Association
10-13 November 2005

The Pfister
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Papers dealing with varieties of English and other languages spoken in
the United States will be considered. Presentations may be based in
traditional dialectology or in other areas of language variation and
change, including sociolinguistics, historical linguistics,
anthropological linguistics, folk linguistics, language and
gender/sexuality, language attitudes, linguistics in the schools,
critical discourse analysis, or narratology.
April 15, 2005 is the deadline for 300-word abstracts. Email submissions

Send abstracts to:

Kathryn Remlinger
remlingk at
American Dialect Society, Midwest Secretary
Grand Valley State University, Allendale, Michigan

Membership to ADS is recommended. Membership is $50 and includes a
year's subscription to the society's journal, American Speech, and a
copy of the Publication of the American Dialect Society (PADS, an annual
hardbound supplement). Membership information is available at

Membership to MMLA is required. Membership is $35 for full and associate
professors, $30 for assistant professors and schoolteachers, $20 for
adjunct and part-time faculty, and $15 for students, retired, and
unemployed. Information on membership is available at the website below
or by writing to MMLA, 302 English-Philosophy Bldg, U of Iowa, Iowa
City, IA 52242-1408, tel: 1-319-335-0331.

For more information about ADS at MMLA, see the MMLA website,, go to "Call for Papers," scroll down to "Associated
Organizations," then to "American Dialect Society."

Kathryn Remlinger, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English: Linguistics
Grand Valley State University
Allendale, MI 49401 USA
remlingk at
tel: 616-331-3122
fax: 616-331-3430

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