LENCA-3 Call For Abstracts
Andrei Filtchenko
andreif at rice.edu
Thu Jul 14 10:13:15 UTC 2005
Full Title: The Grammar and Pragmatics of Complex Sentences in Languages
spoken in Europe and North and Central Asia (LENCA -3).
Date: 27-Jun-2006 - 30-Jun-2006
Location: Tomsk, Russia
Contact Persons: Elizaveta Kotorova, Andrey Filchenko, Pirkko Suihkonen
Meeting Email: tomsk at eva.mpg.de
Conference Web Site (Eng, Rus): www.lenca3.siblang.org
Mirror Site (Eng. only): http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/uhlcs/LENCA/LENCA-
3/lenca-3.html (under constr.)
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Pragmatics; Syntax; Semantics,
Complex Sentence.
Call Deadline: 15-Dec-2005
Meeting Description:
The organizing committee of the third international symposium on the
languages spoken in Europe and North and Central Asia (LENCA) to be held at
Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russia, on June 27-30, 2006,
announces the CALL FOR PAPERS for LENCA-3.
Europe and North and Central Asia form a large natural geographical area for
distribution of languages spoken in the area, and for diffusion of peoples
and cultures. This area is the geographical basis for the LENCA-project which
forms a framework for research of these languages and collecting information
on these languages.
The LENCA-1 symposium on the languages belonging to the LENCA-group was at
the Udmurt State University, Ievsk, Udmurtia, Russia in 2001. The topic of
the first symposium was Deixis and quantification in languages spoken in
Europe and North and Central Asia. The LENCA-2 symposium took place at the
Kazan State University in 2004, with the theme Argument structure and
grammatical relations.
The theme of the LENCA-3 symposium centers on structural and semantic
features of complex sentences: different strategies of subordination and
coordination employed by languages, their geographic distribution and
historical development, discourse-pragmatic features of their usage as a
means of ensuring inter-clausal coherence, i.e. the semantic-pragmatic
connectivity of the functional dimension of event integration vis-à-vis the
syntactic dependency (grammatical bonds) of clause integration.
It is anticipated that a number of presentations will deal with these various
aspects of complex sentences from a Siberian areal perspective. That is, the
conference aims to encourage the development of a local typological view of
complex sentences in languages native to Western and Central Siberia (such as
Khanty, Selkup, Nenets, Evenki, Ket, Siberian Turkic, etc.), as well as
possible contact influence from Russian.
The scale, depth, terminology, and methodology of existing descriptions in
this area vary considerably, and with this in mind one of the objectives
envisioned for the symposium is to facilitate a negotiation of theoretical
frameworks, methodologies, terminologies, and data as a prerequisite for
further advancing of the topic. To this end, both a general typological and a
historical perspective as a means to inform this discourse will be welcomed.
Dr. Balthasar Bickel, University of Leipzig, Germany
Dr. Bernard Comrie, MPI for , Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
Dr. Alexander Kibrik, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Dr. Osahito Miyaoka, Osaka Gakuin University, Japan
Dr. Vladimir Plungian, Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Science,
Moscow, Russia
Dr. Edward Vajda, Western Washington University, USA
Dr. Robert D. Van Valin, University of New York, Buffalo, USA
Deadline for submitting abstracts: 15-December-2005
Notification of acceptance: 15-February-2006
Time of the symposium: 27-30-June-2006
(participants in need of an earlier notification of acceptance, please make a
note to the Organizing Committee in the body of e-mail submission)
Anonymous abstracts in English or Russian are to be submitted to the
Programme Committee in electronic version by e-mail at <tomsk at eva.mpg.de> and
should not exceed two pages in length, including examples, notes, and
bibliography (1 page of text and 1 page of examples and references). Please
adhere to the requirements for formatting of abstracts. The text of the
abstract is to be submitted as an attachment following these guidelines:
- format the title: Times New Roman, bold, size 12, all caps, aligned by
- format the body of the text and the list of references: (MS Word .DOC
or .RTF); Times New Roman, size 12, paragraph break 1cm, line interval 1,5;
margins - all 2,5 cm
- citations in text to be noted in square brackets, as follows [1, p.134],
[2, p. 567]
- bibliography list to be added in the end listed in the order of appearance;
the title References: Times New Roman, font size 12 regular, title aligned
by center
- examples: please number and, when possible, use IPA font (SILDoulosIPA)
and/or Unicode font (DoulosSIL)
- body of the e-mail should contain the title and the information about the
author: name & affiliation
Accepted abstracts will be published for the symposium, and an internet
version of the collection of abstracts will be available at the symposium
website. Authors are encouraged to design their abstracts with the view that
most of the papers presented at the symposium could be published later in the
proceedings or selected papers volume.
Russian, English, German, French
E-MAIL of the conference: tomsk at eva.mpg.de
URL of the conference (English and Russian): http://www.lenca3/siblang.org
Mirror Site (Eng. only): http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/uhlcs/LENCA/LENCA-
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