Etsuyo Yuasa: Modularity in Language (2005)

Julia Ulrich Julia.Ulrich at
Wed Jun 29 11:15:09 UTC 2005



Etsuyo Yuasa


Modularity in Language

Constructional and Categorial Mismatch in Syntax and Semantics


2005. xii, 209 pages. Cloth. 

EUR 88.00 / sFr 141.00 / for USA, Canada, Mexico: US$ 123.20

ISBN 3-11-018309-9

(Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs 159)


Date of publication: 06/2005



In Modularity in Language, Etsuyo Yuasa investigates exceptions and
idiosyncrasies in various complex clauses in Japanese and English within
the framework of multi-modular approaches to grammar. She proposes
original analyses of various complex clauses in Japanese and English,
which deviate from the norms of other complex clauses in the same
language or in other languages, and shows how these cases of
syntax-semantics mismatch justify the independence (or 'autonomy') of
different levels of grammatical structures. 


Yuasa's significant contribution is the incorporation of the notion of
'construction' from Construction Grammar into multi-modular approaches
to grammar. She claims that the idiosyncratic cases examined in this
study are instances of constructional and categorial mismatches where a
syntactic representation of a prototypical construction is paired with a
semantic representation of another prototypical construction. 


Modularity in Language is aimed at those interested in grammatical
theories in general, the parallel architecture of grammar (including
Lexical-Functional Gram-mar, Autolexical Grammar, Representational
Modularity), Constructional Grammar, syntax/semantics inter-face, and
Japanese linguistics.


Etsuyo Yuasa is Professor at the Department of East Asian Languages and
Literatures of The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA. 


Of interest to: Scholars Interested in Lexical-Functional Grammar,
Autolexical Grammar, Representational Modularity, Constructional Grammar
and in Grammatical Theories in General; Researchers Specializing in the
Syntax/Semantics Interface or Japanese Linguistics; Academic Institutes;





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