grammaticalization of negatives/interrogatives

Stephane Robert robert at
Thu Mar 10 11:47:05 UTC 2005

Dear Matti,

Wolof (Senegal, Niger-Congo, atlantic) provides direct evidences of the 
links between negative and interrogative markers:
this language makes a wide use of a triplet of spatial morphemes (-i as 
proximal, -a as distal, -u as non located in the space of the speaker) 
across the verbal and nominal systems, in a very consistent way. Thus both 
the negation and the interrogative markers (as well as the indefinite 
relative pronoun) are made with this -u suffix indicating that the referred 
objet/process is not located in the "space" of the speaker:

k-i : the one nearby            (k- class marker for human beings)
k-a: the one overthere
k-u : who ? (interrogative ou indefinite relative marker)

f-i : here
f-a : there
f-u: where ?

dem : to go
dem naa : I went
(go perfect1sg)
dem-u-ma : I did not go
(go-negative conjugation 1sg)
maa dem: I am the one who went
(SubjectFocus-1sg go)
maa dem-ul :  I am the one who did not go
(SubjectFocus-1sg go+negative suffix)


Stéphane Robert

A 14:33 09/03/2005, vous avez écrit :
>Dear List Members,
>A possible source for polar interrogative markers is the use of negative
>markers as tag questions, and I'd be interested to hear about any
>attested cases of such developments; Heine & Kuteva briefly mention this
>possibility in their World Lexicon of Grammaticalization but do not
>discuss any attested cases (they do discuss the role of negation in the
>A-not-A interrogative construction, but this is not what I'm after).
>I'd also be interested in any other cases of grammaticalization where a
>negative marker has developed into a question marker or vice versa.
>Thanks and best wishes,
>Matti Miestamo


Stéphane ROBERT
Fédération "Typologie et Universaux linguistiques"
CNRS - FR 2559
44, rue de l’Amiral Mouchez
75014 Paris -  FRANCE
Tel. : + 33 1 43 13 56 47
fax : + 33 1 43 13 56 59
e-mail : secretariat.tul at

CNRS - LLACAN "Langage, langues et cultures d'Afrique noire" - UMR 8135
Centre André-Georges Haudricourt, B.P. 8
7, rue Guy Môquet - 94801 Villejuif Cedex FRANCE
Tel: 33 1 49 58 38 46 - Fax: 33 1 49 58 38 00
robert at

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