Crucial Readings in Functional Grammar (Anstey/Mackenzie)

Julia Ulrich Julia.Ulrich at
Wed Mar 16 13:55:38 UTC 2005

New publication from Mouton de Gruyter

Edited by Matthew P. Anstey and J. Lachlan Mackenzie

2005. xiv, 382 pages. 23 fig. 3 tables. Cloth. 
EUR 98.00 / sFr 157.00 / approx. US$ 127.00
ISBN 3-11-017640-8
(Functional Grammar Series 26)

Language of publication: English
Date of publication: 03/2005

Crucial Readings in Functional Grammar will be an invaluable resource to
anyone working in Functional Grammar, student and scholar alike. It
contains important articles that have led to new avenues of research in
the theory beyond Dik's two-volume Functional Grammar (1997), each
concluded with a short paragraph with suggestions for further research.
The book also contains an introduction to current Functional Grammar
theory by the editors. Crucial Readings will be of much assistance both
in bringing together in one volume the various ideas that complement
Dik's canonical presentation of the theory and in the editorial
contributions that provide a comprehensive review of Functional Grammar


Matthew Anstey and Lachlan Mackenzie 

Layers and operators 
Kees Hengeveld 

Toward a unified analysis of terms and predications 
Jan Rijkhoff 

Parts of speech 
Kees Hengeveld 

Places and things 
J. Lachlan Mackenzie 

The hierarchical structure of the clause and the typology of adverbial
Simon C. Dik, Kees Hengeveld, Elseline Vester and Co Vet 

On assigning pragmatic functions in English 
J.Lachlan Mackenzie and M. Evelien Keizer 

The utterance as unit of description: Implications for Functional
Mike Hannay 

The multilayered structure of the utterance: about illocution, modality
and discourse moves 
Co Vet 

On the notion "Functional Explanation" 
Simon C. Dik 

Functional Grammar and lexematics 
Leocadio Martn Mingorance 

Semantic content and linguistic structure in Functional Grammar: On the
semantics of nounhood 
Peter Harder 

Functional Procedural Grammar: an overview. Working Papers in Functional

Jan Nuyts 

Charting FG: a researcher's guide to dissertations and monographs 
Matthew Anstey and Lachlan Mackenzie


Matthew Anstey is an academic associate of Charles Sturt University,
School of Theology, Canberra, Australia, and a PhD candidate at the Free
University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 

J. Lachlan Mackenzie works as Consultant in Languages and Linguistics,
Lisbon, Portugal. 

Students and Scholars of Functional Grammar, Cognitive Linguistics,
Typology, Discourse Analysis and Linguistics in General; Academic
Libraries and Institutes 


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