Revised Braille IPA
Robert Englebretson
reng at
Sun Oct 30 18:21:09 UTC 2005
Dear Linguists,
Based on the number of queries I have received over the years regarding
braille versions of the International Phonetic Alphabet, I thought the
following link would be useful.
This page is devoted to the Unified IPA Braille project, which I am
currently working on in conjunction with the International council on
English Braille. We are drafting an updated and revised version of braille
IPA, which we hope can finally become an international standardized code.
The page contains current versions of the code draft for download (PDF and
formatted braille versions), presents some background and history of braille
IPA codes, and seeks input from braille-reading linguists and others who use
the IPA. Because the system is designed around the Unicode IPA codepoints,
makers of automated braille translation software will be able to support IPA
characters in their products, which will hopefully lead to a greater supply
of braille materials utilizing the IPA, and will improve access for blind
professionals and students to the literature.
We would value all comments and suggestions, in order to make this code as
robust and useful as possible. I would especially welcome comments from
braille readers living in countries which do not use English Braille, as we
would like to make the braille IPA code a truly international system.
Please pass this link along to anyone who may be interested.
In order to work out some of the details of automated Unicode to IPA braille
translation, we are also seeking sample texts which have been transcribed
into IPA using Unicode. If you have any fully-Unicode compliant materials
that you would be willing to share with the committee, please e-mail them to
me at reng at preferably as a Word, RTF, or UTF-8 encoded file. Older
"symbol fonts" won't work--these must be fully Unicode.
In addition to information on braille IPA, the page also contains a list of
links related to blind accessibility in linguistics, including my
instructions and character maps for reading Unicode IPA with the Jaws For
Windows screen reader.
All input is welcome, and I hope this will be a useful resource.
--Robert Englebretson
Dr. Robert Englebretson
Dept. of Linguistics, MS23
Rice University
6100 Main St.
Houston, TX 77005-1892
Phone: 713 348-4776
E-mail: reng at
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