Query: Anapher / Pronominal Reference Resolution

Lise Menn lise.menn at colorado.edu
Fri Dec 22 19:13:18 UTC 2006

for cross-sentential early functional work, start with Chris Tanz's  
classic 1980 methodological study, Studies in the Acquisition of  
Deictic Terms (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics).
It should be required reading for anybody interested in anaphor  
resolution by kids.
Lise Menn

On Dec 22, 2006, at 8:56 AM, bartsch at zas.gwz-berlin.de wrote:

> **********************
> Apologies for cross-posting
> **********************
> Dear all,
> Admittedly, that’s really a very bad moment, 2 days for X-mas, to  
> start a query, but all the same, I’m in hopes that some of you has  
> the time or inclination to give me some hints.
> I’m interested in work on anapher resolution in both child and  
> adult language, especially the former. There are lots of work done  
> in the generative framework, related to binding and optimality  
> theories and stuff. And I was wondering whether any of you know  
> about work from the functional and/or cognitive perspectives. I’d  
> be very grateful for any reference, regardless of the language  
> studied and whether the study is based on expressive or receptive  
> language, i.e., production or processing/comprehension/ 
> interpretation, or on experimental or naturalistic data.
> I’m especially interested in intra-sentential pronominal reference  
> resolution, as in:
> (1) Peter washed him.
> (2) Peter washed himself.
> But also references on inter-sentential reference are wellcome, as in:
> (3) Jane likes Mary. She often brings her flowers.
> Many thanks in advance! I’m looking forward to receiving some hints  
> from you, I’ll post a summary if I get enough references and  
> information.
> Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
> Best,
> Susanna
> Susanna Bartsch
> https://www.zas.gwz-berlin.de/mitarb/homepage/bartsch/
> bartsch at zas.gwz-berlin.de
> Zentrum für allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Typologie und  
> Universalienforschung (ZaS)
> Centre for General Linguistics, Typology, and Universals Research
> Schützenstr. 18
> 10117 Berlin
> Germany
> Tel. +49 (0)30 20192562
> Fax  +49 (0)30 20192402

Lise Menn
Professor of Linguistics
University of Colorado, Boulder

295 UCB
Boulder CO 80309-0295 USA

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