criticisms of grammaticalization
Wolfgang Schulze
W.Schulze at
Sun Feb 26 08:30:04 UTC 2006
Caminante, no hay camino / se
hace camino al andar (...) Caminante, no hay camino / sino estelas en el
mar (Antonio Machada)
Dear Colleagues,
Maybe that Suzanne's quote, namley:
> Epiphenomenon: A phenomenon that is a trivial and accidental
> byproduct of truly significant processes.
reflects the actual use of the term epiphenomenon in very many
instances. However, I think, we can break down the term to a more
specific notion (as I try to do in my Cognitive Typology /Radical
Experientialism framework). Accordingly we should start from the term
'phenomenon' itself. In many pholosophical traditions (from which the
term is taken), a phenomenon is opposed to something 'really being',
compare the Old Greek dictum 'kai ontes kai phainomenoi' (those which
are and which appear to be [in a free translation]). Hence an 'object'
said to be a phenomenon does not have properties itself (reflected in
the qualification of the phenomenon), but it acquaires its properties
through perception (and cognitive construction). A phenomenon thus
presupposes the relation between an 'object' and its perceiver. Now, it
seems out of the question that linguistic structures (in the broadest
sense) are phenomena, perceived differently in space and time etc. In
fact, Linguistics turns out to be a phenomenology rather than a
scientific technique to describe the ontological status of language
itself, even though the ultimate goal of Linguistics should always aim
at unveiling the ontology of language lying 'behind' the
phenomenological layer. The epistemological dilemma of Linguistics (we
use language to describe Language), however, renders it doubtful that we
will ever reach this goal (even if we try to substitute (!) the
descriptive layer by a formal apparatus taken from say Natural
Sciences). Perhaps it is more important to analyze the way the
(possible) 'object' of Language is perceived and construed in terms of
phenomena by both speakers and scientists (then turning linguistic data
into some kind of meta-phenomenology).
An EPIphenomenon naturally relates to the same processes of perception.
If we again start from the Greek term (epi-phainomai, again the
passive), we get the notion of 'showing up as' etc. The epi-segment
suggests that this type of phenomenon presupposes the existence
(construal) of another phenomenon, without which the epiphenomenon would
not have come into existence (would not be constructed). Now, if
Language is an epiphenomenon (sharing its basic features with
phenomena), the phenomenological substrate should be given in just that
entity that enables Language, that is Cognition. In other words:
Cognition (as a phenomenon) supervenes Language (as an epiphenomenon).
If we observe changes in Language, this should be related to changes in
the cognitive (functional!) apparatus. Likewise, variations in the
synchronic 'substance' of languages(s) illustrate nothing but variations
in (habitualized) experiential strategies to construe 'objects' in terms
of phenomena (in a communicative perspective). The main point, however,
is that human beings (better: cognitions) always try to make sense of
the cognitive processes they 'live by'. In this sense, (epi)phenomena
are turned into 'real objects' and manipulated/interpreted accordingly.
As a matter of fact it is crucial in linguistic analysis to decide
whether a given process is related to the experience of language as an
'object' or to the underlying (epi)phenomenology of language.
In this sense, we should distinguish at least two types of
grammaticalization: a) processes that originate in cognition-driven
changes in the mode to communicative experience (on a phenomenological
level) and b) processes "that occur as language is used", as Joan has
put it. Admittedly, it is not always easy to clearly distinguish these
two types, but that problem may be conditioned by our yet unsufficient
tools to identify all the (epi)phenomenologcal layers of language.
Personally, I would not go so far to relate grammaticalization processes
to evolution (be it in a metaphorical sense). We do not have any
evidence that would reveal to us the 'dark age' of language, that is the
gap between language evolution and the earliest reconstructable layers
of language (in a conservative estimate, the 'dark age' covers at least
50.000 years or so, more likely much more than 100.000 years). Whenever
we reconstruct earlier layers of language, we get just what we have, but
in another phenomenology (perhaps this is also true because we cannot
reconstruct by comparison but a variant of what we start from in our
comparison). In this sense, grammaticalization is nothing but a repeated
shift in the relation of concept and (articulatory) symbolization. For
instance, the emergence of a 'near future' or present inchoative through
the grammaticalization of GO verbs does not necessarily mean that on the
conceptual layer, the notion of near futureness hasn't prior been
existent. The only question is, to which degree this concept had been
symbolized before. What we must not do is to infer from the
non-existence of a grammatical 'form' (symbol/sign) to the non-existence
of the 'corresponding' phenomenon on the conceptual layer. So it may
well be that grammaticalization is unidirectional on the 'linguistic'
layer, but surely not on the conceptual layer.
Naturally, the question remains whether grammaticalization itself is a
phenomenon shaped in cognition. Personally, I would claim that
grammaticalization again is an epiphenomenon that takes shape in
language. it is supervened by cognitive processes that by themselves
have nothing to do with grammaticalization, but with more general
procedures of varying patterns of communicative perception and
experience (e.g. Di(h)airesis, Zipf, the so-called Perception
Action/Information Cycle, memory routines, metaphorization/metonymy,
blending etc.). In addition, communicative (pragmatic) routines stemming
from the layer of language objectification' mentioned above supply these
Best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulze
Institut für Allgemeine und Typologische Sprachwissenschaft (IATS)
[General Linguistics and Language Typology]
Department für Kommunikation und Sprachen / F 13.14
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
D-80539 München
Tel.: ++49-(0)89-2180 2486 (secretary)
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E-mail: W.Schulze at
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