UK Cognitive Linguistics Association

Stephanie Sandra Pourcel S.S.Pourcel at
Thu Jan 19 12:01:20 UTC 2006

***Apologies for cross-postings***


We are delighted to announce that the newly founded UK Cognitive 
Linguistics Association now offers an active listserv.

Subscription to the listserv is FREE and open to all scholars and students, 
within and outside the UK. To subscribe and receive updates on Cognitive 
Linguistics news and events in the UK, please email Listserv at 
and write 'subscribe uk-cla forename surname' in the body of the message.

In due time, the Association will also offer formal membership. Further 
details will be posted soon.

In the meantime, further information about the UK-CLA is also available at

We look forward to receiving your listserv subscriptions!
The UK-CLA Governing Board.

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