Monkey Broca, Wernicke?

Daniel Everett dlevere at
Wed Jul 26 18:04:52 UTC 2006

Tom's posting is a very useful one. Too many strange claims are  
floating about that require a degree of cortical localization. But  
any rigid specialization proposed is almost certainly premature at  
this point.

A couple of sources are:

Pulvermüller, Friedman. (2002). The neuroscience of language: on  
brain circuits of words and serial order. Cambridge: Cambridge  
University Press.

Brook, Andrew and Kathleen Akins, eds. 2005. Cognition and the Brain:  
The philosophy and neuroscience movement. Cambridge: Cambridge  
University Press.


On 26 Jul 2006, at 13:49, Tom Givon wrote:

> Neuroscience advances somewhat fitfully. For every announced new  
> discovery,  there is sooner or later (more often sooner) a finding  
> pointing in another direction. This is because of the complexity &  
> distributiveness of most higher cognitive system. Another  
> instasnce, I suppose, of the three blind men describing the  
> elephant. So first, we need to be cautious about evaluating  
> 'radical new discoveries', particularly about language (which is  
> the most complex & distributive capacity supported by the brain).
> More to the point, the function-specific regions ("modules") of the  
> cortex  ('periphery') are all  mamalian evolutionary projections  
> from the *limbic-thalamic sub-cortex*. This is true of vision,  
> audition, motor control, somatic-sensory areas, attention, episodic  
> & semantic memories, etc. And for most of those 'higher' cortical  
> capacities, the limbic-thalamic areas remain part of the functional  
> system--in a a *distributive network* (see e.g. M-M. Mesulam's   
> "Principles of Behavioral & Cognitive Neurology", 2nd edition,   
> Oxford U. Press, 2000 as a major source on this. But there is a  
> vast  lit. on the subject).
> Thus, because so many of the cognitive capacities that support  
> human language are  the outgrowth of (functionally amenable) pre- 
> linguistic capacities, the limbic-thalamic areas are implicated in  
> almost all brain-activity related to language processing. And the  
> pre-human primate brain is so close to ours in its general  
> architecture, there's no reason to assume that the same core- 
> periphery relation doesn't apply there.
> So if at one time research implicates a cortical area  
> ('periphery')  and at another a sub-cortical one ('core') in  
> executing the same function, be it linguistic or pre-linguistic, it  
> is because* both* are implicated. Keep on truckin'.  TG
> =======================

Daniel L. Everett
Outgoing (as of August 2006) Profesor of Phonetics and Phonology
School of Languages, Linguistics, and Cultures
University of Manchester
Manchester, UK M13 9PL
Incoming Chairperson
Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Campus Box 4300
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois
phone: (309) 438-3604
fax: (309) 438-8038

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