Monkey Broca, Wernicke?

A. Katz amnfn at
Thu Jul 27 09:23:15 UTC 2006

Jess Tauber wrote:

> Now I have heard it said
>(though not remembering where from...) that ape lateralization is the
>reverse of ours statistically. Any of you heard that as well?

According to TOUCHING FOR KNOWING, edited by Hatwell. Streri and Gentaz
(John Benjamins 2003.229) "both Old World and New World monkeys display a
left hand preference to perform [tactile tasks of identifying objects
they cannot see], while chimpanzees tend to use predominantly the right
hand." Right handed humans tend to favor the left hand for these types of

    --Aya Katz

Dr. Aya Katz, Inverted-A, Inc, P.O. Box 267, Licking, MO
65542 USA
(417) 457-6652 (573) 247-0055

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