UWM Symposium on Formulaic Language
Michael Noonan
noonan at csd.uwm.edu
Fri Jun 16 17:59:17 UTC 2006
The linguistics community at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is
planning to hold a symposium on the topic of 'formulaic language'. The
symposium, which will be held on the campus of UWM April 18-21, 2007, will
be the 25th in the series of the once-annual UWM Linguistics Symposia.
By formulaic language we mean multi-word collocations which are stored and
retrieved holistically rather than being generated de novo with each use.
Examples of formulaic language include idioms, set expressions, rhymes,
songs, prayers, and proverbs; they may also be taken to include recurrent
turns of phrase within more ordinary sentence structures. These are
notable in ordinary speech as well as in ritualized speech events such as
sports broadcasts, weather reports, sermons, etc.
In our symposium, we are aiming to explore the issue of formulaic language
from a variety of perspectives. To this end, our keynote speakers are
scholars whose specializations range over a large spectrum of
language-based study, including specialists in corpus-based linguistics,
psycholinguistics, phonology, phonetics, typology, and related fields.
Our keynote speakers are:
Joan Bybee, University of New Mexico
Oesten Dahl, Stockholm University
Britt Erman, Stockholm University
Charles Fillmore, University of California, Berkeley
Lily Wong Fillmore, Univesity of California, Berkeley
Barbara Fox, University of Colorado
Adele Goldberg, Princeton University
John Haiman, Macalester College
Paul Hopper, Carnegie Mellon University
Susan Hunston, University of Birmingham
Koenraad Kuiper, University of Canterbury
Jill Morford, University of New Mexico
Andrew Pawley, Australian National University
Ann Peters, University of Hawai'i
Joanne Scheibman, Old Dominion University
Sandra Thompson, University of California, Santa Barbara
Michael Tomasello, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Rena Torres-Cacoullos, University of New Mexico
Diana van Lancker, New York University
Thomas Wasow, Stanford University
Alison Wray, Cardiff University
In addition, there will be a general session, for which potential speakers
are invited to submit a one-page abstract: due date November 1, 2006.
Selected papers from the symposium will be published as an edited set of
volumes in the Typological Studies in Language series published by John
DUE DATE: Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Abstracts may be submitted in hardcopy or in electronic form. Hardcopy
abstracts should be sent to:
Roberta Corrigan
Dept. of Educational Psychology
University of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Electronic submissions should be sent to:
corrigan at uwm.edu
Questions concerning the Symposium can be addressed to Michael Noonan:
noonan at uwm.edu
Announcements and symposium information will be posted at:
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