conference announcement + CFP

Philippe De Brabanter phdebrab at
Thu May 25 19:49:50 UTC 2006

         Call for papers / Appel à communications
          under the auspices of the  Linguistic Society of Belgium, international conference on:
           « The notion of commitment in linguistics »
      « La notion de prise en charge en linguistique »
  January 11-13,  2007 / 11-13 janvier 2007 /
      University of Antwerp (Belgium)  / Université d’Anvers (Belgique)
           Organisateurs / Organizers :
      Patrick Dendale (Universiteit Antwerpen)
      Danielle Coltier (Université du Maine, Le Mans)
      Abstract Deadline : June, 20 2006
      Date  limite de soumission : 20 juin 2006 
           The notion of commitment
      (Non-)Commitment ((non-)prise en charge in French) is a notion  which is fairly often used in the analysis of certain types of linguistic  phenomena (sometimes under the guise of other labels, such as performativity)  – e.g. in the analysis of speech acts, of semantic categories such as modality,  evidentiality and subjectivity, of different forms of reported speech, and of certain  tenses and moods. But it is hardly ever the subject of explicit investigation  in its own right. 
           Goal of the conference
      The aim of this conference is to bring together research  which crucially draws on the notion of (non-)commitment in one or another way,  in an attempt to achieve a better understanding of the nature and the extension  of the notion itself. It welcomes theoretical and empirical contributions  addressing the issue in its own right or in terms of its role in any relevant  linguistic or conceptual phenomenon, using any kind of methodological approach,  and coming from any kind of theoretical background. One section of the  conference will be devoted to typological contributions, next to other sections  dealing with grammatical or lexical markers or strategies of (non-)commitment  in the Romance and Germanic languages.
           Theoretical problems pertaining to the notion 
      The theoretical  issues addressed in this conference can be summarized in terms of five central questions:
      A)    To  what does (non-)commitment apply? What are  possible objects or (aspects of) objects of (non-)commitment  (elements of form, of meaning)?
      B)     Who commits him/herself? Who is the agent  of the commitment (which instance of the speaker)? 
      C)    When does (non-)commitment apply? Only  at the moment of speech, or also at other times?
      D)    What is the nature of (non-)commitment?  Are there different forms or degrees of it?
      E)     How is (non-)commitment taken? Under  which conditions and by means of which forms, mechanisms or strategies is it  signalled?
          Conference languages
      In view of the fact that the notion of  (non-)commitment or (non-)prise en  charge ((non‑)res­ponsibilité) is quite manifestly present in the French  linguistic tradition (especially in the aftermath of the work of Benveniste),  more so than in the Anglo-American tradition, the present conference also  explicitly aims to establish communication on the issue between these ‘geographical’  research traditions. Therefore, the conference will feature presentations in French  as well as in English.
           Deadline for abstract submissions is June 20, 2006
           Format and  evaluation of abstracts
   Abstracts will be refereed anonymously.
   Abstracts are to be submitted as an attachment       in Word or Rich Text Format to an email sent to commitment2007 at Your abstract should be in French or in English (please use the       language of the actual presentation). It should not exceed 500 words       (references not included). Please include the title but do not mention the       name of the author(s). Use Times Roman 12 and single spacing, and make       sure to embed TrueType Fonts for special characters (cf. typological       studies).
   The email accompanying the abstract should contain       the title of the presentation (identical to the title indicated on the       abstract in the attachment), the name of the author(s), and their full       coordinates (affiliation, postal address, email address).
   Notification       of acceptance/rejection: late August 2006.  
           Conference registration
   Registration       fee: 80 Euro 
   Special       registration fees apply to members of the Linguistic Society of Belgium,       please check the website ( for details.   
           Important dates
      Abstract deadline: June 20,  2006
      Notification: late August 2006
      Registration deadline: September 15, 2006
      Second circular: September 2006
      Conference dates: January 11-13,  2007 at the University  of Antwerp (Belgium)
           Conference website: 
           For further information, please contact
      Patrick Dendale  
      Université d'Anvers 
      Department of Linguistics
  Universiteitsplein 1
      B-2610 Anvers-Wilrijk 
      Email: patrick.dendale at
      Web :
      Tél : +32 3 820 28 13 
      Fax : +32 3 820 28 23

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