LAST Call: CogLing conference, France

Maarten Lemmens maarten.lemmens at
Mon Nov 6 15:48:01 UTC 2006

Apologies for cross-posting

THE THIRD and LAST CALL FOR PAPERS (English/French version) for

The Second International conference of the Association Française de 
Linguistique Cognitive (AFLiCo),
University of Lille 3, Lille, France
10-12 May 2007

can be downloaded at:

Some people have asked about the possibility to organize extra theme 
sessions. While initially the organizers hadn't planned on doing so (given 
the thematic sessions on gesture, sign, and typology), it is, however, 
possible to suggest other such theme sessions. The schedule for submission:
- November 15: general proposal for the theme session (2 pages)
- December 15 (at the latest!): full abstracts (500 words)
Please contact the organizers a.s.a.p. if you plan to submit such a theme 
session at
aflico at


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