Cognitive Linguistics: Current Applications and Future Perspectives (Ed. by Kristiansen et al.)
Ulrich, Julia
Julia.Ulrich at
Wed Oct 25 13:22:44 UTC 2006
Edited by Gitte Kristiansen, Michel Achard, René Dirven, and Francisco J. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibánez
2006. xi, 499 pages.
Paperback. € 24.95 / sFr 40.00 / for USA, Canada, Mexico US$ 33.70
ISBN: 3-11-018951-8
ISBN-13: 978-3-11-018951-3
(Mouton Reader) <>
Cloth. € 98.00 / sFr 157.00 / *US$ 132.30
ISBN 3-11-018950-X
ISBN-13: 978-3-11-018950-6
(Applications of Cognitive Linguistics 1)
Date of publication: 10/2006
Subjects: Cognitive Linguistics; Applied Linguistics
“Cognitive Linguistics: Current Applications and Future Perspectives” is an up-to-date survey of recent research in Cognitive Linguistics and its applications by prominent researchers. The volume brings together generally accessible syntheses and special studies of Cognitive Linguistics strands in a sizable format and is thus an asset not only to the cognitive linguistics community, but also to neighbouring disciplines and linguists in general. The volume covers a wide range of fields and combines wide accessibility with a highly specific information value.
* An excellent source for the study of Applied Cognitive Linguistics, one of the most popular and fastest growing areas in linguistics.
* Authoritative and detailed survey articles by leading scholars in the field.
* Accessible to a general audience, yet also characterized by a highly specific information value.
Introduction: Cognitive Linguistics: Current applications and
future perspectives
Gitte Kristiansen, Michel Achard, René Dirven and Francisco J. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez
Part one: The cognitive base
Methodology in Cognitive Linguistics
Dirk Geeraerts
Polysemy and the lexicon
John R. Taylor
Cognitive approaches to grammar
Cristiano Broccias
Part two: The conceptual leap
Three dogmas of embodiment: Cognitive linguistics as a cognitive science
Tim Rohrer
Metonymy as a usage event
Klaus-Uwe Panther
Conceptual blending in thought, rhetoric, and ideology
Seana Coulson
Part three: The psychological basis
The contested impact of cognitive linguistic research on the psycholinguistics of metaphor understanding
Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr. and Marcus Perlman
X IS LIKE Y: The emergence of similarity mappings in children’s early speech and gesture
Seyda Özcalskan and Susan Goldin-Meadow
Part four: Go, tell it on the mountain
Energy through fusion at last: Synergies in cognitive anthropology and cognitive linguistics
Gary B. Palmer
Cognitive linguistic applications in second or foreign language instruction: rationale, proposals, and evaluation
Frank Boers and Seth Lindstromberg
Part five: Verbal and beyond: Vision and imagination
Visual communication: Signed language and cognition
Terry Janzen
Non-verbal and multimodal metaphor in a cognitivist framework:Agendas for research
Charles Forceville
The fall of the wall between literary studies and linguistics: Cognitive poetics
Margaret H. Freeman
Part six: Virtual reality as a new experience
Artificial intelligence, figurative language and cognitive linguistics
John A. Barnden
Computability as a test on linguistics theories
Tony Veale
Gitte Kristiansen, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Michel Achard, Rice University, USA; René Dirven, University of Duisburg, Germany; Francisco J. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, University of La Rioja, Spain.
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