Jobs: Language Development: Asst Prof, University of Colorado

Lise Menn lise.menn at
Wed Sep 20 17:24:58 UTC 2006

Subject:  Jobs: Language Development: Asst Prof, University of Colorado

University or Organization: University of Colorado at Boulder
Department: Linguistics
Web Address:
Job Rank: Assistant Professor

The Department of Linguistics at the University of Colorado at  
Boulder invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the  
Assistant Professor level in the field of language development, to  
begin August 2007. We encourage applications from specialists in any  
area of language development, including first language acquisition,  
second language acquisition, language socialization, aphasiology, and  
bilingualism. We especially welcome applicants whose research is  
empirical, usage-based, and attentive to social as well as cognitive  
dimensions of language development. Teaching responsibilities include  
undergraduate and graduate courses in the area of specialization, as  
well as occasional introductory survey courses in linguistics,  
psycholinguistics, or sociolinguistics. Applicants should have  
completed a Ph.D. in linguistics (or closely related field) by the  
time of the appointment. Additional information on the University of  
Colorado Department of Linguistics can be found at 
linguistics/. The deadline for receipt of applications is November  
17, 2006, but applications will be considered until the position is  
filled. Applicants should submit a cover letter outlining details of  
current and future research interests, a statement of teaching  
experience and specialization, a curriculum vitae, two representative  
publications or research papers, and three letters of recommendation.  
Address all correspondence to: Prof. Kira Hall, Search Committee  
Chair, Department of Linguistics, 295 UCB, University of Colorado,  
Boulder, Colorado  80309-0295. The University of Colorado at Boulder  
is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment.

Lise Menn                      Office: 303-492-1609
Linguistics Dept.           Fax: 303-413-0017
295 UCB                         Hellems 293
University of Colorado
Boulder CO 80309-0295

Professor of Linguistics, University of  Colorado, University of Hunan
Secretary, AAAS Section Z [Linguistics]

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