2nd CFP: SALC conference
Jordan Zlatev
jordan.zlatev at ling.lu.se
Thu Apr 12 12:39:30 UTC 2007
Includes theme sessions and an updated Scientific Committee list!
The First Conference of the Swedish Association for Language and
Cognition (SALC)
Lund, Nov 29 - Dec 1, 2007
We invite the submission of abstracts for oral or poster presentations
for the The First Conference of the Swedish Association for Language
and Cognition (SALC) to be held at the Centre for Languages and
Literature, Lund University between Nov 29 and Dec 1, 2007.
Presentations should involve research in which language is not treated
in isolation (e.g. as a "module"), but both as based on structures and
processes of general cognition (e.g. perception, memory and reasoning)
and social cognition (e.g. joint attention and imitation), and as
affecting such structures and processes. The conference, as SALC in
general, is intended to be a forum for the exchange of ideas between
disciplines, fields of study and theoretical frameworks. Topics
include, but are not limited to:
* semantic analysis and cognition
* discourse analysis and cognition
* grammar and cognition
* pragmatics and cognition
* semiotics and cognition
* linguistic typology and cognition
* language and cognitive development
* language and cognitive evolution
* language change and cogniton
* language and gesture
* language and consciousness
* linguistic relativity.and linguistic mediation
Plenary speakers
* Susan Goldin-Meadow, Department of Psychology, University of Chicago
* Esa Itkonen, Department of Linguistics, University of Turku
* Chris Sinha, Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth
* Östen Dahl, Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University
* Peter Gärdenfors, Department of Cognitive Science, Lund University
Theme sessions
Space in language and cognition (Conveners: Carita Paradis, Marlene
Johansson Falck, Carita Lundmark and Ulf Magnusson)
The link between spatial concepts and construals in linguistic
expressions and in thought is a rapidly growing field of inquiry which
cuts across disciplines such as linguistics, cognitive psychology,
anthropology, computer science and philosophy. Oxford University Press
will be publishing papers from the session in an edited volume of
strictly peer-reviewed papers that capture cutting-edge scholarship in
this area.
Language and gesture (Conveners: Jordan Zlatev and Cornelia Mueller)
While there is a consensus on the close relationship between language
and gesture, there is an ongoing debate on the exact relationship
between the two: do they constitute a "unified system" (e.g. McNeil) or
two closely integrated but distinct semiotic resources (e.g. Donald),
supported by distinct cognitive mechanisms (e.g. Kita and Özyürek)? We
plan a publication of papers addressing this issue from different
perspectives: semiotics, interaction studies, development, evolution
and neuroscience.
One page abstracts (at most 500 words) should be sent as an attachment
(MS Word preferred) to Marlene Johansson Falck, at
marlene at magicspelling.com by June 1st 2007. Abstracts will then be
reviewed by two members of the Scientific Committee, and notification
of acceptance will be sent by August 1st. Please indicate whether an
oral or poster presentation is preferred, and if a poster presentation
is acceptable if the space of the program does not allow for an oral
presentation. If you wish your contribution to be considered for one of
the theme sessions, please indicate this. The conference will be held
in English.
Registration fees, including conference participation, book of
abstracts, and coffee/snacks:
* Faculty: 50 euro/450 SEK (40 euro/360 SEK for SALC members)
* Students: 40 euro/360 SEK (30 euro/270 SEK for SALC members)
On-line registration facilities will be announced in the Final Call for
Important Dates
* Feb 23: First Call for Papers
* June 1: Deadline for abstract submission
* August 1: Notification of acceptance
* October 1: Programme announced
* Nov 29 (afternoon) - Dec 1 (whole day): Conference
Scientific Committee
* Jóhanna Barddal, Department of Linguistics, University of Bergen
* Ingar Brinck, Department of Philosophy, Lund University
* Alan Cienki Department of Language and Communication, Vrije
Universiteit, Amsterdam
* Östen Dahl, Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University
* Caroline David, Département d'études anglophones, Université
Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III
* Per Durst-Andersen, Centre for Language, Cognition and Mentality,
Copenhagen Business School
* Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen, Department of Nordic Studies and
Linguistics, University of Copenhagen
* Adam Glaz, Department of English UMCS, Lublin
* Peter Gärdenfors, Department of Cognitive Science, Lund University
* Peter Harder, Department of English, University of Copenhagen
* Merle Horne, Department of Linguistics, Lund University
* Anders Hougaard, Institute of Language and Communication, University
of Southern Denmark
* Daniel Hutto, Philosophy, University of Hetyfordshire
* Esa Itkonen, Department of Linguistics, University of Turku
* Christer Johansson, Department of Linguistics, University of Bergen
* Henryk Kardela, Department of English, Universytet Marii
* Suzanne Kemmer, Department of Linguistics, Rice University
* Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm, Department of Linguistics, Stockholm
* Maarten Leemens, English Linguistics, Universitè de Lille3
* Cornelia Mueller, Department for Cultural Studies, Europa-Universität
Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
* Chris Sinha, Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth
* Victor Smith, Copenhagen Business School
* Göran Sonesson, Department of Semiotics, Lund University
* Paul Thibault, Linguistics and Media Communication, Agder University
Organizing Committe
* Mats Andrén, Lund University
* Marlene Johansson Falck, Stockholm University
* Carita Lundmark, Mid Sweden University
* Ulf Magnusson, Luleå University of Technology
* Carita Paradis, Växjö University
* Jordan Zlatev, Lund University and Umeå University
Jordan Zlatev, Associate Professor
Department of Linguistics
Center for Languages and Literature
Lund University
Box 201
221 00 Lund, Sweden
email: jordan.zlatev at ling.lu.se
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