Language and "Self-Expression" (2)

Johanna Rubba jrubba at
Mon Apr 30 16:24:37 UTC 2007

As to "talking to oneself", it certainly does involve speech. I have  
made speech errors while talking to myself (not out loud -- solely in  
my head). There is probably research somewhere that shows activation  
in the motor cortex and perhaps even the speech muscles that  
sometimes accompanies talking to oneself -- maybe someone on the list  
knows this for a fact. I believe I have read or heard something to  
that effect regarding people who subvocalize when they read.

I posted a message about language and communication on the Pirahã  
thread, but it never appeared. I wonder if I sent it only to a single  
address. If you received a message, could you send it back to me to  
post, or post it for me?


Dr. Johanna Rubba, Associate Professor, Linguistics
Linguistics Minor Advisor
English Department
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
E-mail: jrubba at
Tel.: 805.756.2184
Dept. Ofc. Tel.: 805.756.2596
Dept. Fax: 805.756.6374

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