Final schedule: UK-Cognitive Linguistics conference, Cardiff
June Luchjenbroers
els603 at
Wed Aug 15 12:52:42 UTC 2007
Hi all....
Here is the full (and we think final)
schedule for papers to be given at the
coming UK-Cognitive Linguistics conference,
Cardiff. 27 -- 30 August, 2007.
For more information about this conference:
We hope to see you there ;-)
June & Michelle
Monday (27th August)
1pm Signing In (registration open till 5pm)
4:45 Official Opening
5:00 Plenary: Vyvyan Evans
"Towards a cognitively realistic account of
7:30 Welcome Reception (wine and buffet)
Tuesday (28th August)
9am Plenary: Lynne Cameron
"The Discourse Dynamics of Metaphor"
10:30 Morning Tea/coffee
Parallel Session #1 [11am 1pm]
Room 1
11am JACINTO, Joana,
Subjectivity and Modality in Portuguese
11:30 SAMBRE, Paul,
Nesting polyphony in subjectification
noon KRAWCZAK, Karolina,
(Inter)subjectification and objectification:
All paths lead to conceptualization
12:30 VAN VLIET, Sarah,
Subjectivity and the use of proper nouns versus pronouns
Room 2
11am SANTARPIA, Alfonso,
The effect of linguistic metaphors of the body on
the relaxation physiological markers in real time
11:30 NEAGU, Mariana,
Motion Metaphors of Time in Romanian
Synaesthetic metaphors in Japanese: an experimental
study on the direction of extension.
12:30 STAUM, Laura & CASASANTO, Daniel,
Should liberals use conservatives' metaphors?
Cognitive Linguistics meets Sociolinguistics
Room 3
11am BROCCIAS, Cristiano,
Conceptual links and the availability of asymmetric
and non-inheriting resultative constructions
11:30 WANG, Ben Pin-Yung & SU, Lily I-wen,
On the polysemy of V-KAI constructions: Forces and
perspectives in Chinese resultative verbs
noon BASILIO, Margarida & OLIVEIRA, Claudia,
A computational approach for evaluating the semantics
of Adj-Noun constructions
12:30 EGAN, Thomas,
Goal as targeted alternative: the case of the to-infinitive
Room 4
11am PAAVOLAINEN, Teemu,
Cognitive Linguistics and the Ecology of Theatrical Performance
11:30 SING, Christine,
"I think we agree, the past is over": Spatio-temporal
metaphors in American Political Discourse
noon MILOTOVA, Hana,
Persuasive Power of Metaphor in Short Business Presentations
12:30 WERMUTH, Cornelia,
Instrumentality vs. pseudo-instrumentality in medical
classification rubrics
1 2:30pm LUNCH
Parallel Session #2 [2:30 4; 4:30 5:30pm]
Room 1
2:30 NABESHIMA, Kojiro
Subjectivity: In relation to Developmental Studies and
Metaphor Studies
3pm ENDO, Tomoko
Establishment of intersubjectivity through showing sharedness:
a::: in Japanese conversation
3:30 MARÍN-ARRESE, Juana
Stance and Subjectivity/Intersubjectivity in Discourses.
A Corpus Study
Room 2
2:30 SHIBASAKI, Reijirou
Homographic Disambiguation in Japanese: A Blending Approach
3pm FENTON, Brandon
Thinking of You: Conceptual Integration and Identity
3:30 BIERWIACZONEK, Boguslaw
Conceptual and Neural Blending in the Interpretation
of Proverbs
Room 3
2:30 ZAINON Hamzah, Zaitul & ABD RAHIM, Normaliza
Interruptions in The Conversations Amongst Malay Children:
A Pragmatic Analysis
3pm REUBER, Markus & GRAGERA, Antonio
The grammaticalization of neurophysiological conceptual
phenomena: a shift in the focus of cognitive linguistics.
3:30 PLUG, Leendert
Applied Cognitive Linguistics: Metaphoric conceptualisation
and the differential diagnosis of seizure disorders
Room 4
2:30 MINAMI, Yusuke,
Elaborating two types of construal: The case of tough
sentences in English and Japanese
3pm KOPYTOWSKA, Monica,
Framing global compassion in view of genocide and famine
3:30 KAAL, Anna & DORST, Lettie,
Metaphor in discourse: beyond the boundaries of MIP
4pm Afternoon Tea/coffee
Room 1
4:30 BELIËN, Maaike
Dutch adpositions and grammatical constituency:
A cognitive-grammar analysis
5pm CALUDE, Andreea
The Demonstrative Cleft in Spoken English
Room 2
4:30 PONTEROTTO, Diane
Cross-cultural variation in cognitive metaphor theory:
Implications for translation studies
5pm RASULIC, Katarina
On Cross-Linguistic Conceptual Blends: A Case Study
Room 3
4:30 KRISTIANSEN, Gitte On the Necessity of a Cognitive
Sociolinguistics: The Case of Lectal Varieties and
Language Acquisition
5pm CRIBB, Michael
Semantic consistency and pragmatic relevance in the
construction of coherence in non-native extended
spoken discourse
Room 4
Why taking aboard what should be taken on board?'
5pm TIMOFEEVA, Maria,
Introspective View of Language
5:30pm Plenary: Arie Verhagen
"'All constructions are symbols' -
but are all constructional symbols created equal?"
8pm Conference Dinner
Wednesday (29th August)
9am Plenary: Seana Coulson
"Spatial Construals of Time"
10:30 Morning Tea/coffee
Parallel Session #3 [11am 1pm]
Room 1
11am LORENZETTI, Maria,
Emerging Lexical Complexity through Conceptual
Blending: The Case of the English Verb See in the
Implicit Object Construction
11:30 VIBERG, Ake,
Cognitive linguistics and corpus-based contrastive
analysis: The Swedish verbs of Possession in contrastive
and topological perspective.
noon DELORGE, Martine
The diachronic evolution of the aan-construction with
Dutch verbs of reception
12:30 WOOD, Tess
From degrees to quantities and back
Room 2
11am BEECHING, Kate
The application of a cognitive model to semantic change
- buttiness
11:30 HOLOBUT, Agata
Designer Descriptions
noon MAREK, Ku´zniak
A few words in defence of pleonasms
12:30 SMITH, Andrew
The Cognitive Origins of Linguistic Complexity
Room 3
11am TURULA, Anna
Frame shifting, conceptual refocusing and episodic
memory in FL grammar pedagogy
11:30 JENKINS, Diana
Cognitive linguistics' Home away from Home: a place
for cognitive linguistics in an EFL teacher training course
noon ALEJO González, Rafael
L2 Spanish acquisition of English phrasal verbs: A
Cognitive Linguistic analysis of L1 influence
12:30 SKOUFAKI, Sophia
Reassessing the effectiveness of L2 idiom presentation
in metaphoric groups
Room 4
11am HART, Christopher
Cognitive linguistics in critical discourse analysis:
Mental spaces, blended spaces & discourse spaces in
immigration rhetoric.
11:30 PASCUAL, Esther
Fictive interaction: Face-to-face conversation as a
frame in ordinary and legal thought
A cognitive grammar account of the deontic shall in
the legal context
12:30 LUCHJENBROERS, June & ALDRIDGE, Michelle
Children in Court: A cognitive linguistic and legal
consideration of the gulf between a (child) rape victim's
rights and what jurors hear.
1 2:30pm LUNCH 2 2:30pm POSTER SESSION
Parallel Session #4 [2:30 4pm]
Room 1
2:30 PARDESHI, Prashant & SHINOHARA, Kazuko
A time to make sense of markedness in the space-to-
time mappings
Spatial Relations and Linguistic Relativity
3:30 MATSUNAKA, Yoshihiro & SHINOHARA, Kazuko
Cognition and representation of frontal space:
an analysis of Japanese spatial terms
Room 2
2:30 HOEFLER, Stefan
The cognitive origin of symbolism and grammaticalisation:
A usage-based model of language evolution
Metaphorical mappings of transitivity in Spanish Sign
3:30 BIERWIACZONEK, Boguslaw
Neural Substrates of Metonymy
Room 3
2:30 ROEHR, Karen
The role of category structure in second language learning
3pm BARNDEN, John A
Metaphor arising in a Classroom Virtual Role-Playing Context
3:30 TAWILAPAKUL, Upsorn
The Use of English Tenses by Thai University Students
Room 4
2:30 CAPPELLE, Bert
Phrasal verb derivations: competence and performance
3pm JEONG, Ja-Yeon
The semantics of four Korean motion verbs of separation:
A usage-based study
3:30 BARKER, Emma J. & GAIZAUSKAS, Robert
Understanding Background Texts: Products and Processes
4pm Afternoon Tea/coffee
4:30 Plenary: Klaus-Uwe Panther
"Motivating grammatical and natural gender agreement in German"
6 7pm UK-CLA Meeting
Thursday (30th August)
Parallel Session #5 [8:45am notices; 9 11am]
Room 1
9am OHASHI, Hiroshi
Epistemic Conditionals in English and Japanese
9:30 ARITA, Setsuko
Two Japanese Adverbials and Conditionals
10am BEREZOWSKI, Leszek
Indefinite article rhetoric
10:30 COUNIHAN, Marian
`all' vs `if': How discourse function explains logical
Room 2
9am BERENDT, Erich
The Ideas of Ideas: Cognitive metaphoric patterns in English
& Japanese in expressing ideas/ kangae
Metaphor as Bricolage
The effects of frequency and neighbourhood density on
adult speakers' productivity with Polish case inflections:
An empirical test of usage-based approaches to morphology.
10:30 PLUG, Leendert
Phonetics and pragmatics in Usage-based Phonology: On the
representation of some Dutch phrases
Room 3
9am EDWARDES, Martin
Why Me? Cognition at the Origins of Grammar
9:30 BÖGER, Claudia & SKILTERS, Jurgis
Embodied semantic structures in movement execution and language
10am BOWIE, Jill
Language Evolution: Insights from spoken discourse
The birth of emotion. A diachronic study
Room 4
How to measure text legibility: a cognitive linguistics
approach to brazilian portuguese texts
9:30 LUKES, Dominik
Discourse-level constructions and frame analysis of
policy discourse: case of evaluation of university teaching.
10am ZIEM, Alexander
Given and New: the role of default values in a frame
semantic approach to word meaning
10:30 VOLKOVA, Tatiana
Diplomatic Discourse Function in Intercultural Communication
11:00 Morning Tea/coffee
Parallel Session #6 [11:30am 1pm]
Room 1
11:30 ISRAEL, Michael
Care, Mind, Bother and Cope: on the usage-based nature
of polarity sensitivity
noon LANGLOTZ, Andreas
Dynamic interactive categorization and the adaptability
of linguistic meaning
12:30 CHANG, Vincent T
Minimal structure and scalar implicature of visual meaning
in multimodal discourse
Room 2
11:30 Musgrove, Tim
Contextual search based on a cognitive model of query meaning
noon Divjak, Dagmar & Gries, Stefan
Clusters in the mind? Converging evidence from near-synonymy
in Russian
12:30 Janicki, Karol
Is Pluto a planet? Can a linguist have an answer?
Room 3
11:30 CHANG, Kyle
How do Second Language Learners Comprehend Syntactically
Ambiguous Sentences in Chinese?
noon AZUMA, Masumi
How does knowledge of the mother tongue affect the
interpretation of figurative expressions?
12:30 CASASANTO, Daniel & LOZANO, Sandra
Meaning and Motor Action
Room 4
11:30 PASMA, Trijntje
Metaphor identification: the application of a reliable
method to Dutch natural discourse
noon DORST, Lettie & KAAL, Anna
Metaphor in discourse: from theory to application and
back again
12:30 AFONSO, Susana
The role of context in language and perception
1 2pm LUNCH
2pm Plenary: Chris Sinha (Wany Sampiao, Vera da Silva
Sinha & Jörg Zinken)
"Time is not (always) space "
3:30pm CLOSE
Abd Rahim, Normaliza & Zainon Hamzah, Zaitul
Interaction Pattern Amongst Asperger Children
Altman, Magda
Ancient and modern views on proprioception and
the body schema
Bierwiaczonek, Boguslaw
Neural Substrates of Metonymy
Broccias, Cristiano
A network analysis of (oriented) ly adjunct constructions
Chang, Vincent
Relevance, pragmatic inference, and discourse topic
A crosslinguistic analysis, a universal account
Da Milano, Federica
The relationship between spatial and temporal language
in the sino-japanese environment.
Duda, Katie
The Punchline as protest: Conceptual blends in
anti-globalization activism
Endo, Tomoko
Epistemic Expressions in Chinese Conversation
Handl, Susanne & Graf, Eva-Maria
From unanalyzable chunks to prefabricated units:
Stages and types of language processing in L1.
Lukes, Dominik
Hypostasis, schema negotiation and other dynamic
phenomena in the inventory of linguistic units
Marín-Arrese, Juana
Passive and Construal: Non-optionality in agented passives
Mauri, Caterina
How hierarchical may a conceptual space be?
The case of coordination relations
Núñez-Perucha, Begona
The study of figurative language in context: discursive
constraints and pragmatic effects
Russo, Irene
The modulation of adjectival meanings in Italian and
in English: a corpus- based analysis of sweet and its antonyms
Thiering, Martin
The Construction of Topological Mental Spaces
Vikram, Amitabh
Solving Prepositional ambiguity: A lexical Filtering device
for Haarautii Simple sentences
Voskoboynyk, Valentyna
Cognitive analysis of derived economic terms-adjectives:
Types of frames
Wallington, Alan
What a shambles!: A non-blending Account of
My surgeon is a Butcher
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