First announcement GCLA/DGKL 2008 (Cognitive Linguistics, Germany)

Birte Loenneker-Rodman loenneke at ICSI.Berkeley.EDU
Mon Aug 27 18:02:23 UTC 2007

First announcement GCLA/DGKL 2008
Call for papers
Third international conference of the
German Cognitive Linguistics Association
Leipzig, September, 25 - 27, 2008

The third international conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics
Association (GCLA/DGKL) will take place in Leipzig, Germany, from
September, 25 to 27, 2008. It is organized by the Linguistics Department
at the Institute of English and American Studies at Leipzig University.

Special theme: Converging Evidence

Submissions are invited for papers addressing - from various
perspectives - any facet of cognitive linguistics research, including
research on meaning, conceptual structure, conceptual operations,
cognitive processing, grammar, acquisition, language use, discourse
function, and other issues. Papers supporting their arguments by various
methodologies or drawing on evidence from various fields are especially
welcome, though others are not excluded. The conference languages are
English and German.

Submissions may offer any of the following:
   1. theme session;
   2. paper presentation;
   3. poster presentation;
   4. paper or poster.
Abstract submission will be by e-mail attachment in RTF format (max. 500
words on one page). Detailed submission guidelines will be published in
the next call and on the conference web page,

Conference schedule:
Talks are scheduled in 30 minute slots: 20 minutes presentation, 5
minutes for discussion and 5 minutes to change sessions and/or change
speakers. We anticipate 3 parallel sessions of regular papers, plus
plenary lectures, plus 1 - 2 workshops.

Keynote speakers:
To be announced.

Important dates:
August, 2007: First Call for papers, posters and theme sessions
10th November 2007: Deadline for theme sessions
1st December 2007: Deadline for paper and poster submissions
March, 2008: Notification of acceptance
25 - 27th September, 2008: Third GCLA/DGKL-Conference

Local organizing committee:
Doris Schönefeld
Institut für Anglistik, Universität Leipzig
Beethovenstraße 15
04107 Leipzig
doris.schoenefeld at

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