Third and final call GCLA/DGKL 2008
Birte Loenneker-Rodman
loenneke at ICSI.Berkeley.EDU
Tue Dec 11 04:57:57 UTC 2007
Last call for papers GCLA/DGKL 2008
Third international conference of the
German Cognitive Linguistics Association
Leipzig, September, 25 - 27, 2008
Topics :: Submissions :: Conference schedule :: Theme sessions :: Keynote
speakers :: Tutorial :: Important dates :: Organizing committee
The third international conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics
Association (GCLA/DGKL) will take place in Leipzig, Germany, from
September, 25 to 27, 2008. It is organized by the Linguistics Department
at the Institute of English and American Studies at Leipzig University.
Continuously updated information can be found on the conference website,
Special theme: Converging Evidence
Submissions are invited for papers addressing - from various perspectives
- any facet of cognitive linguistics research, including research on
meaning, conceptual structure, conceptual operations, cognitive
processing, grammar, acquisition, language use, discourse function, and
other issues. Papers supporting their arguments by various methodologies
or drawing on evidence from various fields are especially welcome, though
others are not excluded. The conference languages are English and German.
Submissions may offer any of the following:
1. paper presentation;
2. poster presentation
Guidelines for papers and posters:
* should not exceed 500 words of text (exclusive of references)
* should indicate a clear title
* should meet the following criteria:
o topic relevance
o originality
o clear structure
o conclusive argumentation
* should be anonymous for purposes of blind peer-review
* should be formatted as Word, RTF or PDF documents
* should be submitted electronically to the conference e-mail address
gcla08 at
Please, include the following information in the main body of your e-mail:
* Presentation title
* Author name(s)
* Affiliation
* E-mail address for correspondence
* 3-5 keywords
* Preference for general or poster session
Please, include the following information in the subject header of your
e-mail: "Abstract submission - Author(s) name(s)".
Abstract submission deadline (extended): December 31, 2007.
Conference schedule
Talks are scheduled in 30 minute slots: 20 minutes presentation, 5 minutes
for discussion and 5 minutes to change sessions and/or change speakers. We
anticipate 3 parallel sessions of regular papers, plus plenary lectures,
plus 6 theme sessions.
Theme sessions
In addition to the general sessions, there will be 6 theme sessions
dedicated to particular issues in Cognitive Linguistics. Detailed
information concerning workshop themes, organization, and participation
will be announced on the conference website For more information or any further
questions regarding the theme sessions, please contact the workshop
Keynote speakers
We are happy to announce the following plenary speakers:
* Bernard Comrie, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology,
* Seana Coulson, University of California at San Diego
* Holger Diessel, Jena University
* Stefan Th. Gries, University of California at St. Barbara
* G�nter Radden, Hamburg University
* Gerard Steen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Tutorial - Introductory course to Cognitive Linguistics
The organizing team of the conference is planning to offer a one-day
tutorial on the topic "Cognitive Linguistics - Theory, Methods, and
Applications". Plans are to have it on September, 24, 2008 (the day
preceding the conference). In four successive sessions, a compact overview
on main issues and the current state of research in Cognitive Linguistics
will be given. The tutorial is aimed at (primarily junior) researchers in
the field of linguistics, but also at researchers and conference
participants doing research in related fields (e.g. sociology, psychology,
literary studies). Moreover, we address cognitive linguists who want to
acquaint themselves with current issues, methods, and applications on an
international level. The courses will be held by internationally
established and top-rating scientists who are actively involved and set
the tone for current cognitive-linguistic research.
Important dates
August, 2007 First Call for papers, posters and theme sessions
October, 2007 Second Call for papers, posters and theme sessions
December, 2007 Last Call for papers and posters
December, 31, 2007 (extended) Deadline for paper and poster submissions
March, 2008 Notification of acceptance
September, 24, 2008 Tutorial on "Cognitive Linguistics - Theory,
Methods, and Applications"
September, 25-27, 2008 Third GCLA/DGKL-Conference
Local organizing committee
Doris Schönefeld
Institute of English and American Studies, Leipzig University
Beethovenstr. 15
04107 Leipzig, Germany
schoenefeld at
Birte Loenneker-Rodman
International Computer Science Institute
1947 Center Street, Suite 600
Berkeley, CA 94704
phone: (510) 666-2980
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