CFP: 'Manner' in the Theory of Language

Kaius Sinnemäki ksinnema at
Wed Feb 28 07:03:51 UTC 2007

(apologies for cross-postings)

'Manner' in the Theory of Language
Symposium to be held in Tampere, August 20-21, 2007

The Linguistic Association of Finland is organizing a symposium on
"'Manner' in the Theory of Language" to be held in Tampere, Finland,
August 20-21, 2006.


The purpose of the symposium is to concentrate on the theoretical issues
concerning the category/feature 'Manner' in different linguistic
theories and different domains of language meaning, structure, and use.
We invite papers addressing theoretical questions as well as papers
taking a specific (empirical) viewpoint on one (or more) particular

Manner is a category that comes up in various parts of language
description: syntax, semantics, pragmatics, discourse studies,
phonology, prosody research, etc. Manner is used often as a feature that
makes two otherwise similar categories different from each other.
However, it is not always clear what kinds of phenomena count as
'manner.' For instance, the adverbs of manner can refer to many
different kinds of phenomena which seem to have nothing in common. Thus,
it is worth taking a closer look to 'manner' in order to come up to a
treatment of the various phenomena that are called 'manner'.

Irrespetive of the theoretical framework, the treatment of 'manner' is a
relevant topic. In the symposium, different linguists can learn from
each other's ideas of how to treat the phenomena called 'manner' in a
way that helps us to really understand it better.

Problems concerning the topic are for instance the following:
- Is 'manner' one category/feature or many?
- How are "manner-phenomena" lexicalized/grammaticalized in different
- What is the proper description of 'manner' for different linguistic
- Should the linguistic category of 'manner' be restricted to
semantico-grammatical phenomena; how to treat such notions as e.g.
'style' or 'mode' with respect to 'manner'?

We encourage contributions broadly from diverse areas of linguistics,
including traditional theoretical linguistics, experimental
psycholinguistics, linguist working on spoken language, historical
linguistics, grammar, constructions, text, etc.

Invited speakers:

- Ad Backus  (Tilburg University)
- Terhi Rissanen (University of Turku/Diaconia University of Applied
Applied Sciences)
- Anneli Pajunen (University of Tampere)
- Tuija Virtanen (Åbo Akademi University)


- lectures by invited speakers
- presentations by other participants (20 min + 10 min for discussion)
- posters

Symposium venue:

University of Tampere, Pinni Building, Kanslerinrinne 1, Tampere.
For further information on the location, see the University of Tampere
  web site:


The deadline for submission of abstracts (in English; max 500 words) is
April 16, 2007. Please submit your abstract by e-mail to the following
manner-organizers (att)
The abstract should be included in the body of the message. Please
indicate clearly whether your abstract is intended as a poster or a
section paper.

E-mail submissions are strongly recommended. However, if you prefer
sending your abstract by ordinary mail (address below), please provide
an e-mail address as a contact address. Participants will be notified
about acceptance by the end of April 2007. The abstracts will be
published on the web pages of the symposium at


Registration fees:
- general: EUR 50
- members of the association: EUR 25
- undergraduate students free

Participants from abroad are requested to pay in cash upon arrival.
Participants from Finland may send the registration fee by giro account
no 800013-1424850 to The Linguistic Association of Finland (SKY) /
Symposium or pay in cash upon arrival.

In case you have further questions please email
manner-organizers (att)

Check for information updates at the symposium website:

Organizing committee
Pentti Haddington
Kari Hiltula
Emmi Hynönen
Heidi Merimaa
Urpo Nikanne (chair)
Alexandre Nikolaev
Kaius Sinnemäki

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