FINAL CALL: 2nd UK-Cognitive Linguistics Assoc. Conference, Cardiff

June Luchjenbroers els603 at
Tue Jan 9 11:10:26 UTC 2007


2nd Conference of the UK-Cognitive Linguistics Assoc.

New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics
Cognitive Linguistics, Applied

Hosted at
     August 27-30, 2007


LYNNE CAMERON,   Open University, U.K.
SEANA COULSON,   Univ. California, San Diego, USA
KLAUS PANTHER, Universität Hamburg, Germany
CHRIS SINHA,   Univ. Portsmouth, England, UK
EVE SWEETSER,   Univ. California, Berkeley, USA
ARIE VERHAGEN,   Leiden University, Netherlands

We invite scholars of diverse disciplines and 
languages to contribute to this conference. 
Papers dealing with any facet of cognitive linguistics 
research are welcome, including research on meaning, 
conceptual structure, conceptual operations, 
cognitive processing, grammar, acquisition, language use, 
discourse function, and other issues. 

We also encourage papers that relate to the secondary 
conference theme, “Cognitive Linguistics, Applied”; 
as well as the primary theme, “New Directions”. 

These papers may involve (but are not limited to) any of the following:
- New  descriptive or theoretical insights in  Cognitive Linguistics
- Critical evaluations of  the Cognitive Linguistics enterprise
- The  interface between Cognitive  Linguistics and neighbouring disciplines
- New  frontiers in Cognitive Linguistics
- Conceptual Blending in Discourse
- Language in Interaction
- Situated meaning 
- Distributed Cognition
- Usage-Based Models
- Gesture, and Sign

Submissions may offer any of the following:
(i) theme session; (ii) paper presentation; (iii) poster presentation; 
(iv) paper or poster presentation  
In addition to papers, posters and/or theme sessions 
dealing with more general areas of cognitive linguistics 
research, we are particularly interested in research 
that applies cognitive linguistics methodologies to 
specific language contexts (e.g., classroom, law, etc.).

Procedural TimeTable:
- 5th February, 2007	
       Deadline for paper & poster submissions
- April, 2007	
       Notice of acceptance; Registrations open,
- 27 – 30th Aug, 2007	
       NDCL-2 Conference
- 14th January, 2008	
       Submission of papers for possible publication

Talks are scheduled in 30 minute slots: 20 minutes 
presentation, 5 minutes for discussion and 5 minutes to 
change sessions and/or change speakers. We anticipate 
3 – 4 parallel sessions of regular papers, plus plenary 
lectures. The provisional conference program can be 
viewed at:

     June Luchjenbroers, Univ. Wales Bangor WALES UK
     Michelle Aldridge, Cardiff Univ. WALES UK

     Michelle Aldridge, Cardiff Univ. WALES UK
     June Luchjenbroers, Univ. Wales Bangor WALES UK
     Vyvyan Evans, Centre in Lang., Com. & Cognition, Univ. Brighton,
     Esther Pascual, Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands



Abstracts (with the heading “NDCL-2”) need to be no more 
than 1 A4 page in length (excluding references), minimum 
size 12 font; and must be submitted in PDF format to the 
conference contact email address. Authors may submit more
than 1 abstract though (in all likelihood) only 1 paper 
will be accepted. 

Please visit 
for further details regarding submission of proposals, 
registration, programme of events etc.

Publication Plans:

Two volumes are anticipated: 1 devoted to papers dealing 
with the theme: Cognitive Linguistics, Applied; and the 
other devoted to a cross-section of the papers offered 
at this conference. Papers to be considered for these
publications will need to be submitted to the editors 
by 14th January, 2008. 

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