Rice Linguistics Society Workshop - Feb 3-4

Rice Linguistics Society rls at rice.edu
Mon Jan 29 07:26:17 UTC 2007

(Apologies for cross-posting)

Next weekend, February 3-4, the Rice Linguistics Society (a student-run
organization at Rice University) will host "Structuring Language: Cultural,
Cognitive, and Theoretical Perspectives." The primary objective of this
workshop is to bring together linguistics grads in Texas (and the
south/southwest more generally) for an informal conference-style discussion of
their current research.

The workshop will be held in Room 117 of the Humanities Building (#31, viewable
at www.rice.edu/maps.maps.html) on the Rice campus. Free parking is available
in the Greenbriar Lot, which is accessible from entrances 13A and 13B.
Alternatively, there is paid parking that is somewhat closer in the Founder’s
Lot ($9 for daily parking; see campus maps webpage for the location of the
parking lots and campus entrances). There is no registration fee, and
attendance is open to everyone.

The first session will begin at 9:30am each morning, preceded by registration
(for nametags) and coffee. There will be talks all day Saturday, and on Sunday
the workshop will end at 1:00pm.

In the next few days a detailed schedule will be made available on the
departmental website. As soon as the schedule's up, I'll send around a link.

All the best,

Chris Taylor
RLS President

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