Final Calls (JK Conference at UCLA)

Iwasaki, Shoichi iwasaki at
Thu Jul 5 19:10:58 UTC 2007

Final Call for Papers 

Call Deadline: 15-Jul-2007 

17th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference 

November 9-11, 2007 


Special Panels 

''Usage-based linguistics: theory and methodologies'' 

Joan Bybee (University of New Mexico) 
Sandra Thompson (UCSB)
Tsuyoshi Ono (University of Alberta)
Soonja Choi (San Diego State University)
Discussant: Patricia Clancy (UCSB) 

''Progress in Generative Grammar; its characterization and assessment'' 

Yasuo Deguchi (Kyoto University)
Fritz Newmeyer (University of Washington) 
Colin Phillips (University of Maryland) 
Ayumi Ueyama (Kyushu University)

Papers in all sub-areas of Japanese and Korean linguistics are invited.
Presentations will be 20 minutes long and will be followed by a
10-minute question and answer period. Please submit abstracts (one page,
500 words maximum) as a PDF file attached to an email message to
JK17 at by July 15, 2007 (Please note this new deadline).
You may use a second page for references and/or example sentences. The
first line of your abstract should indicate the category (Formal or
Functional), followed by the sub-field (e.g., Formal/Syntax,
Functional/Discourse, etc.). The second line should be the paper title,
followed by the number of words used on the first page of the abstract,
excluding the first two lines with the category, the sub-field, and the
paper title (e.g., Title (492)). Omit your name and affiliation from the
abstract. In the body of your email message, include name(s) and
affiliation(s), address, phone number, and email address, followed by
the category, the sub-field, and the paper title (e.g., Title (492))
copied from the top of the first page of the abstract. Use the following
subject header for your email: ''JK17, Last name, First Initial.''
Please note that only one abstract from each individual can be
considered for acceptance. One individual abstract or one jointly
authored abstract may be submitted. All the necessary information about
the conference will appear on our conference website:

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