CFP: Cognitive and Functional Perspectives on Dynamic Tendencies in Languages, May 29 to June 1, 2008

Tuomas Huumo thuumo at
Fri Jun 29 14:03:28 UTC 2007

Cognitive and Functional Perspectives on Dynamic Tendencies in Languages

To be held at the University of Tartu, Estonia
>>From May 29 to June 1, 2008


cognitive and functional studies on grammar
dynamics of language
synchronic and diachronic language change
language contact: aspects of grammar
usage-based approaches and models
emergent grammar
language typology
language evolution
Uralic languages

Plenary speakers:

Bernd Heine
Ronald Langacker
Ewa Dabrowska
Martin Haspelmath


The aim of the conference is to bring together linguists working in the functional and cognitive linguistic paradigms. We invite linguists who take a functional and/or cognitive perspective in describing and explaining linguistic phenomena in the language(s) they are researching and those working on language dynamics from a functional or cognitive perspective to participate.
We especially encourage linguists working on the Uralic languages to submit papers, in the hope of expanding the Cognitive Linguistic paradigm with data from these languages; researchers involved with other languages and language families are, of course, also most welcome. We also encourage papers on grammaticalization and those looking at the role of oral and written forms, or different language varieties, in language change, as well as changes in grammar resulting from language contact. Furthermore, presentations dealing with different usage-based models, including construction grammar, are also welcome.


University of Tartu
Estonian Cognitive Linguistics Association

Important dates

First call for papers and theme sessions: June 29, 2007
Second call for papers and theme sessions: September 7, 2007
Deadline for Theme Sessions submissions: October 1, 2007
Notification of acceptance for Theme Sessions: December 15, 2007
Third call for general session papers: January 7, 2008
Deadline for general session papers: January 15, 2008
Notification of acceptance for general session papers: February 15, 2008
Program available at the website: April 15, 2008
Conference dates: May 29 – June 1, 2008

For theme session organizers:

On October 1, 2007 we will be expecting your session title and the expected number of papers to be presented at the session.
On February 15, 2008 we will be expecting the description of your theme session and the participants' abstracts.

Submissions guidelines

Abstracts (max. 500 words (including references)) should be submitted electronically to ecla at <mailto:ecla at>

Conference website

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