Second call for papers - Workshop on Definiteness and Referentiality
Marie Fellbaum
Marie.Fellbaum at
Sat Mar 3 09:45:45 UTC 2007
Sept. 26-28, 2007
University of Adelaide Adelaide, Australia
A one day workshop on Definiteness and Referentiality will be held in
conjunction with ALS 2007 at the University of Adelaide. We welcome papers
on Australian, Austronesian, Asian and other natural languages, and in all
areas of linguistics including sociolinguistics, language variation and
change, first/second language acquisition, conversational analysis, and
cognitive (including psycho-/neurolinguistic) processing of definiteness.
The following topics are of particular interest:
--data based studies of definiteness properties in particular languages
--theoretical aspects of definiteness and/or specificity
--the article systems of a language group(s)
--the interaction of definiteness/specificity with the grammar of a language
--the behavior of subsystems within languages, e.g. polarity references
and number and quantification of nouns
--the acquisition and development of definiteness and/or referentiality
in child and second languages
--language change in progress with respect to a property or subsystem of a
Proposals for both a General Session and a Poster Session should include
the author's name and affiliation, contact details (including e-mail and
postal addresses), title of the paper, keywords, and a one page abstract
of no more than 500 words, excluding examples and references. Key
references may include, but not limited to, the work of Irene Heim, M.
Enç, Kamp & Reyle (DRT), B. Partee, Donka Farkas, T.Givon, Christopher
Lyons, J. Hawkins, and M. Haspelmath. In your submission, please indicate
your preference, and, if your choice is a General Session, please state if
you would be willing to do a poster.
Each abstract will be blind reviewed on the basis of the following criteria:
--Topic appropriate to the workshop theme
--Paper contributing new knowledge on the topic
--Argument supported by data from natural language
--Clear statement of results
Abstracts should be sent electronically in the body of the e-mail message
and also as an attachment in PDF or rtf format to
Korpi.DefWorkshop at In the e-mail subject line, please write
NAME ALSDEFworkshop where NAME is your surname.
DEADLINE for abstracts is March 16th with notification of acceptance by
April 30.
The format of the sessions will be 20 minutes for each paper, followed by
10 minutes for discussion. Posters will be displayed for one whole day,
with a time slot for discussing them.
Selected papers from the workshop will be peer reviewed and published in a
special volume devoted to the workshop theme.
Workshop organizers: Brett Baker (University of New England)
Marie Fellbaum Korpi (The Australian National University)
Harumi Minagawa (The University of Auckland)
Lesley Stirling (The University of Melbourne)
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