First announcement ICFG13 and IPCFG4 2008

fg-fgw fg-fgw at
Fri Nov 2 12:28:02 UTC 2007

First Announcement




13th International Conference on Functional Grammar

 University of Westminster, London, Great Britain

3-6 September 2008


preceded by




4th International Postgraduate Course on Functional Grammar

 University of Westminster, London, Great Britain

1-3 September 2008




Since 1984, there has been a highly successful biennial series of International Conferences on Functional Grammar (ICFG). The first twelve conferences took place in 


1984 -  ICFG1            Amsterdam - UvA

1986 -  ICFG2            Antwerp

1988 -  ICFG3            Amsterdam - VU

1990 -  ICFG4            Copenhagen

1992 -  ICFG5            Antwerp

1994 -  ICFG6 York

1996 -  ICFG7            Córdoba

1998 -  ICFG8            Amsterdam - VU

2000 -  ICFG9            Madrid - UNED

2002 -  ICFG10            Amsterdam - UvA

2004 -  ICFG11        Gijón 

2006 -  ICFG12              São José do Rio Preto


The aim of ICFG is to further elaborate the model of Functional Grammar (FG) that was originally proposed by the late Simon Dik. A full treatment of FG may be found in: Dik, Simon C. 1997,  The Theory of Functional Grammar. 2 Vols. Ed. by Kees Hengeveld. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. The most recent version of FG is called Functional Discourse Grammar. A sketch of this model may be found in: Hengeveld, Kees & J. Lachlan Mackenzie, 'Functional Discourse Grammar', In: Keith Brown (ed), Encyclopedia of Language and Lingistics, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier, downloadable from à Publications à FDG



The venue

ICFG13 will be hosted by the Harrow School of Computer Science, University of Westminster, at its Harrow Campus (Watford Road, Nothwick Park, Harrow HA1 3TP London, Great Britain).  Information about quality, affordable, on campus accommodation at Harrow Campus  will be provided in the second circular as well as on our website <> 



Local organization

The local organizing committee consists of Maria Chondrogianni (Chair, Harrow School of Computer Science), Dr Simon Courtenage (School of Informatics), Dr Vassiliki Bouki (Harrow School of Computer Science), Dr Louise Sylvester (School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages).



The Conference Programme

Although the conference programme will host all possible topics related to the further elaboration of F(D)G, the conference will start on Wednesday afternoon 4 September with a special workshop on Computational Applications of Functional Grammar. The length of the papers will be 30 minutes followed by another 10 minutes of discussion. The language of the conference will be English. Apart from the workshop and general sessions, there will be ample room for poster presentations. 



Programme committee

The board of the Functional Grammar Foundation (FGF) has appointed the following programme committee for ICFG12: Marize Dall'Aglio-Hattner (president), Maria Chondrogianni and Kees Hengeveld. The programme committee will evaluate the anonymous abstracts and decide on their inclusion in the conference programme. In case a member of the programme committee submits an abstract, he/she will not evaluate his/her own abstract, but a member of the board of FGF will step in to evaluate the abstract of the committee member involved.




Given the role the quality of the abstract plays in the selection procedure, each abstract should contain at least the following items: a clearly defined and well-motivated research question; the crucial examples illustrating the relevance of the research question; and the main conclusions the paper arrives at. Abstracts should have a length of approximately 1000 words, i.e. roughly 3 pages, and should not contain the name of the author. References to the literature cited should be given. References containing the name of the author may also be given but will be suppressed before the abstract is sent to the programme committee. Please indicate in the accompanying message whether you want to present a paper or a poster. The deadline for the submission of abstracts of papers and posters is 1 February 2008.  Abstracts should be submitted electronically to the international secretary of the FGF at fg-fgw at



Pre-Conference Course

In view of the success of the previous  pre-conference courses, an intensive course will be organized in the days preceding the conference to enable linguists unfamiliar with the theory to prepare for the conference. The course will be organized with participants at PhD level in mind. The Fourth International Postgraduate Course on Functional Grammar will focus on the Functional Discourse Grammar model and will also prepare the students for the special conference theme. Please inform your PhD students and colleagues unfamiliar with Functional (Discourse) Grammar of this possibility of getting acquainted with the theory and its applications. The conference and course website offers an online information form, which can be send in to receive future information by those colleagues and students who are not on our mailing list. Further details about registration will be provided in the second circular and on our website



Conference Fee

Information on Conference fees will be posted in the second circular, to be published in December 2007.




The second circular will contain all details about how to register for ICFG13 and IPCFG4. This information will also be made available on our website




Quality cheap on campus accommodation will be offered to all delegates and their guests. More information will be provided in the Conference's second circular.




All information concerning ICFG13  and IPCFG4 will be made available at



How we try to reach you

All information concerning ICFG13 and IPCFG4 is being sent out by email to those who have expressed their interest in the past. If you do not wish to receive any further information, please let us know.



How you can reach us 

The email address for all matters related to the conference programme is: 

 <mailto:fg-fgw at> fg-fgw at 


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