LCM3: 3rd cfp

Anders Hougaard hougaard at
Mon Nov 19 14:53:54 UTC 2007



Odense, 14-16th July 2008 


NEW! LCM III satellite event: Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics, 7-11th July.

The LCM committee and local organizers call for theme session proposals for the third conference in the series Language, Culture and Mind. The conference will be held in modern and comfortable conference facilities in ODENSE 14TH-16TH JULY, 2008. The conference aims at establishing an interdisciplinary forum for an integration of cognitive, social and cultural perspectives in theoretical and empirical studies of language and communication. The special theme of the conference is Social Life and Meaning Construction.

We call for contributions from scholars and scientists in anthropology, biology, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, semiotics, semantics, social interaction, discourse analysis, cognitive and neuroscience, who wish both to impart their insights and findings, and learn from other disciplines. Preference will be given to submissions which emphasize interdisciplinarity, the interaction between social life, culture, mind and language, and/or multi-methodological approaches in language and communication sciences.

Description of the LCM conference series: see bottom.


*	First call for Theme Sessions: April 1, 2007 
*	Second call for Theme Sessions: May 1, 2007 
*	Third call for Theme Sessions: June 1, 2007 
*	Deadline for Theme Sessions submissions: September 1, 2007 (Extended) 
*	Notification for Theme Sessions : November 1, 2007 (Extended) 
*	First call for Individual Papers and Posters: September 1, 2007 
*	Second call for Individual Papers and Posters: October 1, 2007 
*	Third call for Individual Papers and Posters: November 1, 2007 (Delayed) 
*	Deadline for Individual Paper and Poster submissions: January 1, 2008 
*	Deadline for submitting papers for theme sessions: February 1, 2008 
*	Notification for Individual Paper, Theme Session paper and Poster submissions: March 1, 2008 


Max. 500 words (including references)
To be submitted to lcm at
Submissions will be evaluated according to their

 *       Relevance
 *       Quality
 *       Coherence
 *       Originality

Michael Chandler (University of British Columbia)
Alessandro Duranti (University of California at Los Angeles)               
Derek Edwards (University of Loughborough)
Marianne Gullberg  (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)                                                                     Esa Itkonen (University of Turku)                                                                                                         Meredith Williams (Johns Hopkins University)

CONFERENCE WEBSITE: <>                 


Titel: "Social Construction, Psychological Discourse and Neuroimaging"

Organizer: Adam Wallwork


Titel: "'Doing Science' as a Collaborative Accomplishment of the Mind as Discourse-in-Interaction"

Organizer: Gudrun Ziegler


Titel: "Lectal and Multilingual Variation: Cognitive and Social Dimensions"

Organizers: Raphael Berthele, Dirk Geeraerts, Gitte Kristiansen, Yves Peirsman    


Titel: "Language, Sociality, and Mind: Lessons from a neurodegenerative disorder" 

Organizer: Andrea W. Mates


Titel:"Bridging the Gap in Cultural Studies: From meaning construction to (inter-)cultural communicative competence"

Organizer: Izaskun Elorza & Ovid Carbonell


Titel: "Intersubjectivity: Between Personal Experience and Social Life"

Organizers: Timothy P. Racine & Jordan Zlatev


Titel: "Situating understanding, perception, in social interaction"

Organizer: Domenic Berducci 


Titel: "Chinese Language, Cultural Keywords and Ethno-philosophy"

Organizer: Adrian Tien


Titel: "(Cross-Cultural Communication)"

Organizer: Bert Peeters


Titel: "Communicating and Interpreting Policy Meaning"

Organizer: Alan Cienki & Dvora Yanow


Titel: "Language and Cultural Change in Immigrant and Aboriginal Communities: Transformations at the culture, language, and mind interface"

Organizers: Michael Chandler & Cynthia Lightfoot


Titel: "Social Life and Meaning Construction"

Organizer Paul Thibault


Titel: "Discourse and psychology: Emotion, knowledge and institution interaction"                                                                                                                                           Organizer: Jonathan Potter                                                 

Titel: "Situated, distributed cognition and social structure of shared task performance in high-risk workplaces"                                                                                                                                       Organizer: Lisa Loloma Froholdt

Titel: "Social Interaction, Cognition, and Intersubjectivity"

Organizers: Thomas Wiben Jensen, Anders R Hougaard & Gitte R Hougaard


LCM III satellite event: Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics, 7-11th July

Organizers: Monica Gonzalez Marquez,Raymond Becker, Anders R Hougaard, Gitte R Hougaard and Todd Oakley

More Information follows later!


1st LCM conference: Portsmouth 2004
2nd LCM conference: Paris 2006 < <> >


Raphael Berthele
Carlos Cornejo
Caroline David
Merlin Donald
Barbara Fultner
Anders R. Hougaard
Jean Lassègue
John A Lucy
Aliyah Morgenstern
Eve Pinsker
Vera da Silva Sinha
Chris Sinha


Center for Social Practises and Cognition (SoPraCon):

Rineke Brouwer
Dennis Day
Annette Grindsted
Anders R. Hougaard
Gitte R. Hougaard (Director)
Kristian Mortensen


Anne Salazar Orvig
Meredith Williams
Todd Oakley
Jonathan Potter
Robin Wooffitt
Alan Cienki
Cornellia Müller
Ewa Dabrowska
Edy Veneziano
Shaun Gallagher
Edwin Hutchins                                                                                                                                      Johannes Wagner


The goals of LCM conferences are to contribute to situating the study of language in a contemporary interdisciplinary dialogue, and to promote a better integration of cognitive and cultural perspectives in empirical and theoretical studies of language. Human natural languages are biologically based, cognitively motivated, affectively rich, socially shared, grammatically organized symbolic systems. They provide the principal semiotic means for the complexity and diversity of human cultural life. As has long been recognized, no single discipline or methodology is sufficient to capture all the dimensions of this complex and multifaceted phenomenon, which lies at the heart of what it is to be human.
Theories of cognition and perception, and their neural foundations, are central to many current approaches in language science. However, a genuinely integrative perspective requires that attention also be paid to the foundations of cultural life in social interaction, empathy, mimesis, intersubjectivity, dialogicality, normativity, agentivity and narrativity. Significant theoretical, methodological and empirical advancements across relevant disciplines now provide a realistic basis for such a broadened perspective.
This conference will articulate and discuss approaches to human natural language and to diverse genres of language activity which aim to integrate its cultural, social, cognitive, affective and bodily foundations. We call for contributions from scholars and scientists in anthropology, biology, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, semiotics, semantics, discourse analysis, cognitive and neuroscience, who wish both to share their insights and findings, and learn from other disciplines. Preference will be given to submissions which emphasize interdisciplinarity, the interaction between culture, mind and language, and/or multi-methodological approaches in language sciences.


Anders R. Hougaard 

Assistant professor, PhD
Center for Social Practises and Cognition (SoPraCon)
Institute of Language and Communication
University of Southern Denmark, Odense 
hougaard at <mailto:hougaard at>  
Phone: +45 65503154 
Fax: + 45 65932483. 


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