job announcement

Tom Givon tgivon at
Thu Nov 22 02:20:31 UTC 2007

                                         POSSIBLE  JOB  OPENING

An established  linguistics program in Mexico is looking for a norteÑo  
person  to teach in a Masters program tilted towards functionally- and 
typologically-oriented linguistics,  field work, and  indigenous 
languages. This is a good  opportunity  for a fresh PhD who is 
interested in the indigenous languages of Meso-America. The salary is 
low by norteÑo standards (ca. $2,000.00 per month, with yearly 
incrementation; but incl. free housing!). They would like someone with 
high motivation and a commitment to 4-5 years (at least) of work in 
Mexico. There is probably a possibility of longer-term employment.

If you are interested, or if know someone else who may fit the profile, 
do contact me (or let them contact me) at <tgivon at>. 

Peace,   TG

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