Criticizing Linguistics/Shared Cognitions (2)
Rob Freeman
lists at
Mon Oct 8 12:40:39 UTC 2007
Anyone interested in this perspective of "language as computation",
and which is thus beyond abstraction into classes, which I assume
Steve Long is hinting at here, should take a look at these recent
threads on the Corpora list:
Is a complete grammar possible (beyond the corpus itself)?
ad-hoc generalization and meaning
corpus syntax (and how we can use it to code meaning)
And more recently the discussion here:
-Rob Freeman
On 10/5/07, Salinas17 at <Salinas17 at> wrote:
> In a message dated 10/3/07 12:42:03 PM, amnfn at writes:
> << By the same token, if by language, we mean the coding of information using
> a limited number of recurring subunits that can be recombined to form an
> unlimited number of messages with an indeterminately large degree of complexity,
> then clearly there can be language without cognition. >>
> And that might be the problem with that definition of language.
> You speak of "messages" -- in the ordinary sense of that word -- messages
> from whom to whom? Can a message be from no one to nobody? Is this message part
> important to your definition of language?
> And why should the "recurring subunits" be limited?
> Why can't every bit of information be assigned its own non-recurring
> "subunit" -- on into infinity? So we have a language where every thing, every action
> and relationship or process is its own "subunit," its own code and its own
> syntactical slot. Wouldn't this kind of language be more efficient than juggling
> "recurring subunits"?
> And this coding business -- isn't the process --> information, encoding,
> transmission, de-coding, back to information? So where is the de-coding in this
> definition of language?
> And why does the information need coding in the first place? Why take the
> step of putting a stand-in -- a symbol -- in place of the raw data? Can't we
> make an "unlimited number of messages" right out of the raw data without
> unnecessary coding?
> Why is the language you are describing carrying so much baggage? Could it be
> that its constrained by a function? Could that function be communication?
> <<Computer code and DNA code are two examples.>>
> Actually we have the whole universe and everything in it. Coded information
> right down to our tiny recurring subunit atoms, hadrons, quarks, spin, gravity
> and dark matter, etc. In fact, in this view, language is just a form of
> computation - just a spec in the algorithmic theory of everything, not the other
> way around.
> (See Steven Weinberg's review of Stephen Wolfram, "Is the Universe a Computer?
> Also Jürgen Schmidhuber's web site on the Zuse Hypothesis: The Universe as
> Computer --
> Also Seth Lloyd, Programming the Universe: A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes
> on the Cosmos (2006))
> <<Even writing left behind by people long dead is evidence of this principle,
> at least in one direction. Every time we read a message without meeting the
> person who wrote it, we process language that we acquired from an inanimate
> object.>>
> Interesting idea.
> Some say that you can process language acquired from an inanimate object even
> if it doesn't have any writing on it. "Signatures of all things I am here to
> read," wrote James Joyce, courtesy of Jakob Boehme.
> On the other hand, I can be in the physical presence of at least half the
> people on this planet and not understand a word they are saying, because I don't
> understand the languages they are speaking -- even with my handy book of
> Universal Grammar tucked under my arm.
> Another interesting inanimate object is the computer I'm sitting in front of
> It is the culmination of thousands of thousands of separate "cognitions" on
> the part of thousands and thousands of individuals who go back in time to
> Euclid and before, the people who gradually worked out over a long, long time the
> materials, the numbers, the concepts, the electronics, the processes, the
> software, the distribution and even the marketing. I am, as an individual,
> incapable of building this machine from scratch, and so are my individual
> "cognitions."
> The machine is the culmination of thousands and thousands of "cognitions" on
> the part of thousands and thousands of individuals over along, long period of
> time. What linked them all together communally is, I believe, language.
> Regards,
> Steve Long
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