
Jordan Zlatev jordan.zlatev at
Mon Oct 15 18:40:52 UTC 2007

Dear colleagues,

We would like to inform you that the Scientific Program for the First 
Conference of the Swedish Association for Language and Cognition (SALC) 
to be held at Lund University between November 29 and December 1st 
2007, has now been posted on the conference home site:

There will be
- 5 plenary talks (by Susan Goldin-Meadow, Esa Itkonen, Chris Sinha, 
Peter Gärdenfors and Östen Dahl),
- 45 oral presentations in the general session
- 10 oral presentations each for the theme sessions: "Space in Language 
and Cognition", "Language and Gesture" and "The Dynamics of Symbolic 
- 15 poster presentations

The Business Meeting of SALC will be held on Nov 30, 1-2 pm.

We have registered over 100 participants, but have an additional 50 
places left, so if you wish to participate, please use the homesite in 
order to register!

We are looking forward to seeing all speakers and guests in Lund at the 
end of next month!

For the Organizing Committee,
Jordan Zlatev, President of SALC

Jordan Zlatev, Associate Professor
Department of Linguistics
Center for Languages and Literature
Lund University
Box 201
221 00 Lund, Sweden

email: jordan.zlatev at

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