Title correction: Roger Andersen Memorial at UCLA, April 11

Yokoyama, Olga olga at humnet.ucla.edu
Mon Apr 7 23:41:59 UTC 2008

Please forgive my resending this msg, as I realized that I put the wrong
heading on my first mailing. 

Dear Funknetters,

Many of you know that UCLA's Roger Andersen, Professor of Applied
Linguistics, passed away on January 22. 

A memorial service for Roger will be held this Friday, April 11, 2008,
at 4 pm, on the UCLA campus, in Ackerman Second Floor Lounge (Room
2414); all are welcome. For more details, see the department website:


For those who won't be in L.A. this week and wish to send condolences/
remembrances/thoughts, please send them care of Srey Ngov
<ngovhumnet.ucla.edu> or to Olga Yokoyama at olga at humnet.ucla.edu; they
will be made available at the service.

Date: 28-Jan-2008
From: Srey Ngov <ngovhumnet.ucla.edu>
Subject: Obituary: Roger Andersen

It is my sad duty to inform the linguistic community of the passing away
on January 22 of Professor Roger Andersen, Professor of Applied
Linguistics at UCLA for 30 years. Professor Andersen's research has
contributed greatly to the field; his significant contributions to
Second Language Acquisition and Interlanguage analysis are still
considered seminal in the field. Professor Andersen was a recipient of
numerous major research grants involving multi-university projects, and
was engaged in data-intensive long-term research projects on indigenous
languages of Latin America; Professor Andersen is survived by his wife
Sonia and two daughters, Jennifer and Christine. The Applied Linguistics
and TESL Department at UCLA is planning to hold a memorial service in
Professor Andersen's honor. An announcement will be sent out when the
time and place have been decided. 
Olga T. Yokoyama
Professor and Chair
Department of Applied Linguistics and TESL University of California, Los
Angeles Tel. (310) 825-4631 Fax (310) 206-4118

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