SALC2009, Final call for papers (deadline 15/12)

Jordan Zlatev Jordan.Zlatev at
Wed Dec 3 23:49:24 UTC 2008

With apologies for multiple postings


Second Conference of the Swedish Association for Language and Cognition
June 10-12, 2009

Arranged by the Departments of English, Scandinavian Languages, and General Linguistics, Stockholm University

Final call for papers (abstract submission deadline Dec. 15, 2008)

We are pleased to announce the second SALC conference, SALC-2009, where we hope to bring together researchers from within all areas of language and cognition studies in Sweden and internationally. We welcome discussions 
on a wide variety of issues within the general area of language and cognition, and with particular focus on the areas of cognitive linguistic approaches to language acquisition and the contributions of psycholinguistics to linguistic theory.

We are very pleased to announce our plenary speakers for the conference: 
* Elizabeth C. Traugott, Professor Emeritus of Linguistics and English at Stanford University 
* Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Professor of General Linguistics at Stockholm University.
* Niclas Abrahamsson, Associate Professor at the Centre for Research on Bilingualism at Stockholm University.
* Daniel Casasanto, Senior Scientific Staff at Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen.

We invite the submission of abstracts for oral or poster presentations for the "Second Conference of the Swedish Association for Language and Cognition (SALC) / Svenska Sällskapet för Språk och Kognition (SSSK)" 
to be held at Stockholm University between June 10th and 12th, 2009. Presentations should involve research based on structures and processes of general cognition (e.g. perception, memory and reasoning) and social 
cognition (e.g. joint attention and imitation), and as affecting such structures and processes. The conference,as SALC in general, is intended to be a forum for the exchange of ideas between disciplines, fields of study 
and theoretical frameworks. Topics include, but are not limited to: 

* psycholinguistic  approaches to language and cognition
* language acquisition/use and cognition
* language structure and cognition 
* language and cognitive development and evolution
* language change and cognition 
* language and gesture 
* language and consciousness 
* linguistic typology and cognition
* linguistic relativity

In addition, there are currently five theme sessions (see the attached file call themes for full description)

1. Language, Consciousness and Semiosis. Coordinators: Jordan Zlatev and Göran Sonesson, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University, Sweden.

2. The function of negation in verbal and nonverbal communication. Coordinators Rachel Giora, Department of Linguistics, Tel Aviv University, Israel, and Carita Paradis, School of Humanities, Växjö University, Sweden.

3. Interfaces of Language and Vision. Coordinator: Pirita Pyykkönen, Department of Psychology, University of Turku, Finland.

4. Cognition and Second Language Use. Coordinator: Alan McMillion, Department of English,Stockholm University, Sweden.

5. When a Word Makes a World. Coordinator: Tetyana Lunyova, English Philology Department, Poltava State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

The deadline for abstract submission is December 15, 2008.

Please send two copies of your abstract in English of about 400 words (excluding references) to SALC2009 at , with your name and affiliation written under the title in one copy; one copy must remain anonymous. Presentations should last 20 minutes with 5 minutes for questions. 

After the process of peer-revision, e-mail notifications will be sent out by March 1, 2009.

Conference fees: 
* 50 Euros for faculty SALC members,
* 70 Euros for faculty non-members
* 40 Euros for student SALC members
* 50 Euros for student non-members
The annual SALC membership is 15 Euros for faculty and 10 Euros for students. There will be a conference dinner 
for a cost of 40 Euros. Registration and payments can be made on-line at

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