searching for a string in every file in a folder

Brian MacWhinney macw at
Wed Jan 16 21:52:21 UTC 2008


There's no question in my mind about this one.  The best option is  
BBEdit from
The specific search string you give can be found even by our CLAN  
program (and it is free), but if you
want to do anything more than the specific thing you mentioned, then  
you want to start using

--Brian MacWhinney

On Jan 16, 2008, at 10:46 PM, Frederick J Newmeyer wrote:

> Dear Funknetters,
> I'm looking for a program that runs on the Mac and will search for a  
> particular string of words in every file in a particular folder.  
> (For example, one that will give me -- with one command -- all of  
> the occurrences of the string "I think that" in every  file in my  
> folder "Corpora."). The Unix 'egrep' command in Terminal will do  
> that, but rather awkwardly.
> More generally, what do people think is the best corpus-processing  
> program for the Mac out there? As many of you know, working with  
> Corpora has not generally been my thing, so I'm pretty naive about  
> what to do/use.
> Thanks,
> --fritz
> Frederick J. Newmeyer
> Professor Emeritus, University of Washington
> Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser  
> University
> Mailing address: 1068 Seymour St.,
> Vancouver, BC V6B 3M6 CANADA

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