question about patterns of N-A, A-N order

Tom Givon tgivon at
Fri Oct 10 22:35:07 UTC 2008

This is completely a function of the diachrony of grammar 
(grammaticalization). So, in the most simplified version:

(i)  If a language was an OV language and then developed morphology 
during that period, there will be a tendency (not absolute) to develop 
suffixes. If the language then changes to VO, it doesn't get rid of the 
old suffixal morphology. But when it develops new morphology, it would 
tend to develop prefixes. English, German, Hebrew & Latin are such 

(ii)  Conversely, if a language is VO and develops prefixal morphology, 
but then changes to OV (mostly via substratum contact; examples: 
Akkadian, Amharic New-Guinea Austronesian), then when it develops new 
morphology, it would be primarily suffixal. But the old prefixes don't 
go away

(iii)  Since OV appears to be the oldest word-order attested (Givon 
1979), and languages tend to drift FROM it rather than TO it (except in 
substratum-contact cases), OV languages tend to only have suffixal 
morphology, since they were not VO at any prior time.

This is of course highly simplified, and to many of us it belabors the 
obvious...Some of the gory detail can be found in:
Givon, T. (1971)  "Historical syntax and synchronic morphology", CLS #7, 
U. of Chicago
Givon, T. (1979)  On Understanding Grammar, NY: Academic Press
Givon, T. (200) "Internal reconstruction: As method, as theory", in S. 
Gildea, ed. TSL volume, Amsterdam: J. Benjamins
Givon, T. (2001) Syntax (vol. 1, several chapters), Amsterdam: J. Benjamins

Best,  TG


Clements, Joseph Clancy wrote:
> In morphology, Cutler, Hawkins, et al (1985) found that Prep-VO languages have prefixes and suffixes and Postp-OV languages have almost exclusively suffixes.
> It has been shown that adj order relative to its modified N does not pattern with Prep-VO or Postp-OV languages. However, the following looks like a pattern in the few languages I've worked with: there are languages that have almost exclusively A-N order (e.g. English, German, the Neo-Aryan languages) and languages with N-A order that also have A-N order (e.g. the Romance languages).
> My question: does anyone know of any studies on A-N/N-A order patterns in the world's languages?
> Any references would be greatly appreciated.
> Clancy
> J. Clancy Clements, Professor
> Director of Undergraduate Studies
> Depts. of Linguistics & Spanish and Portuguese
> Ling: MM322, IUB, 1021 E. Third St.
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> Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 11:52 AM
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> Subject: [FUNKNET] Subscribe to 'Language & Cognition'
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> Subscriptions for the new journal 'Language & Cognition' are now open.
> Subscription is achieved by joining the UK Cognitive Linguistics
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> Downloadable registration forms, and full details of how to subscribe,
> are available from the journal website:
> The table of contents for 2009 and 2010 are detailed below.
> Sincerely,
> Vyv Evans
> Bangor University
> -----------------------
> Volume 1 (2009)
> Issue 1
> How infants build a semantic system. Kim Plunkett (University of Oxford)
> The cognitive poetics of literary resonance. Peter Stockwell (University
> of Nottingham)
> Action in cognition: The case of language. Lawrence J. Taylor and Rolf
> A. Zwaan  (Erasmus University of Rotterdam)
> Prototype constructions in early language development. Paul Ibbotson
> (University of Manchester) and Michael Tomasello (MPI for Evolutionary
> Anthropology, Leipzig)
> The Enactment of Language: 20 Years of Interactions Between Linguistic
> and Motor Processes. Michael Spivey (University of California, Merced)
> and Sarah Anderson (Cornell University)
> Episodic affordances contribute to language comprehension. Arthur M.
> Glenberg  (Arizona State Universtiy), Raymond Becker (Wilfrid Laurier
> University), Susann Klötzer, Lidia Kolanko, Silvana Müller (Dresden
> University of Technology), and Mike Rinck (Radboud University Nijmegen)
> Reviews:
> Daniel D. Hutto.  2008. Folk Psychological Narratives: The Sociocultural
> Basis of Understanding Reasons (MIT Press).  Reviewed by Chris Sinha
> Aniruddh Patel.  2008.  Music, Language, and the Brain  (Oxford
> Univeristy Press).  Reviewed by Daniel Casasanto
> Issue 2
> Pronunciation reflects syntactic probabilities: Evidence from
> spontaneous speech. Harry Tily (Stanford University), Susanne Gahl
> (University of California, Berkeley), Inbal Arnon, Anubha
> Kothari, Neal Snider and Joan Bresnan (Stanford University)
> Causal agents in English, Korean and Chinese: The role of internal and
> external causation. Phillip Wolff, Ga-hyun Jeon, and Yu Li (Emory
> University)
> Ontology as correlations:  How language and perception interact to
> create knowledge. Linda Smith (Indiana University) and Eliana Colunga
> (University of Colorado at Boulder)
> Toward a theory of word meaning. Gabriella Vigliocco, Lotte Meteyard and
> Mark Andrews (University College London)
> Spatial language in the brain. Mikkel Wallentin  (University of Aarhus)
> The neural basis of semantic memory: Insights from neuroimaging. Uta
> Noppeney  (MPI for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen)
> Reviews:
> Ronald Langacker.  2008.  Cognitive Grammar: A basic introduction.
> (Oxford University Press).  Reviewed by Vyvyan Evans
> Giacomo Rizzolatti and Corrado Sinigagalia.  Mirrors in the brain: How
> our minds share actions and emotions.  2008.  (Oxford University
> Press).  Reviewed by David Kemmerer.
> volume 2 (2010)
> Issue 1
> Adaptive cognition without massive modularity: The context-sensitivity
> of language use.  Raymond W. Gibbs (University of California, Santa
> Cruz) and Guy Van Orden (University of Cincinnati)
> Spatial foundations of the conceptual system.  Jean Mandler (University
> California, San Diego and University College London)
> Metaphor: Old words, new concepts, imagined worlds.  Robyn Carston
> (University College London)
> Language Development and Linguistic Relativity.  John A. Lucy
> (University of Chicago)
> Construction Learning. Adele Goldberg (Princeton University)
> Space and Language: some neural considerations.  Anjan Chatterjee
> (University of Pennsylvania)
> Issue 2
> What can language tell us about psychotic thought?  Gina Kuperberg
> (Tufts University)
> Abstract motion is no longer abstract.  Teenie Matlock  (University
> California, Merced)
> When gesture does and doesn't promote learning.  Susan Goldin-Meadow
> (University of Chicago)
> Discourse Space Theory. Paul Chilton  (Lancaster University)
> Relational language supports relational cognition.  Dedre Gentner
> (Northwestern University)
> Talking about quantities in space.  Kenny Coventry  (Northumbria
> University).
> <>
> --
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