Position in Linguistics, with focus on Indic languages

Clements, Joseph Clancy clements at indiana.edu
Sat Oct 11 21:26:51 UTC 2008


The India Studies Program at Indiana University announces a search for a scholar with a distinguished record in research and teaching to fill a newly-opened senior position. The scholar will be from one of the following fields: art history, comparative literature, or linguistics. The areas of expertise are open, but the principal research agenda must be clearly focused on India. The candidate will also be expected to be able to connect their research to larger, more global issues of concern to students and colleagues working within the wider range of Indian civilization, including modern India. The candidate should have substantial publications revealing a diversity of interests and a developed plan for research and teaching. Interested candidates should submit a descriptive letter outlining their interests, as well as a CV, a list of courses to be taught, two or three writing samples and a list of six potential referees. Salary for the position will be commensurate with an associate or full professor rank. The position will begin in August 2009. The deadline for applications is December 31, 2008, but the search will continue until the position is filled. Indiana University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Please send completed applications to: Professor Sumit Ganguly, Chair, India Studies Search Committee, India Studies Program, Indiana University, 825 East 8th Street, Bloomington, IN 47408-3842.

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