
Wendy Smith wsmith at csusb.edu
Thu Sep 4 17:34:34 UTC 2008

There is a good book entitled Discourse and Identity by Bethan Benwell 
and Elizabeth Stokoe  which describes several approaches to analyzing 
transcripts, including CA. It also deals with CDA--can't remember if it 
includes written texts. Barbara Johnstone's Discourse Analysis is 
wonderful this way (for written text). Also, there is a  British text 
which deals with analyzing spoken language (and has some application for 
teaching)--can't remember the name. It is in my office. I think it's 
Analyzing Spoken Language.

Christopher Hart wrote:
> Colleagues,
> Does anyone know of a good text book for level one undergraduates 
> which would cover the basics in analysing conversation transcripts and 
> written texts?
> Best,
> Chris

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