New Benjamins title - Josephson/Söhrm an: Interdependence of

Paul Peranteau paul at
Fri Sep 19 17:00:16 UTC 2008

              Diachronic and Synchronic Ana lyses
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Interdependence of Diachronic and Synchronic Analyses

Edited by Folke Josephson and Ingmar Söhrman
University of Gothenburg

Studies in Language Companion Series 103

2008. viii, 350 pp.

Hardbound 978 90 272 0570 4 / EUR 110.00 / USD 165.00

The focus of this volume is the interdependence of diachrony and 
synchrony in the investigation of syntactic structure. A diverse set 
of modern and ancient languages is investigated from this 
perspective, including Hittite, the Classical languages, Old Norse, 
Coptic, Bantu languages, Australian languages and Creoles. A variety 
of topics are covered, including TAM, diathesis, valency, case 
marking, cliticization, and grammaticalization. This volume should be 
of interest to
syntacticians, typologists, and historical linguists with an interest 
in syntax and morphology.

Table of contents

Contributors  vii–viii
Introduction  1–11
Synchronic and diachronic evidence for parallels between noun phrases 
and sentences
Jan Rijkhoff 13–42
The development of tense, mood, and aspect in the creole languages, 
and the typology of affix order
Peter Bakker 43–59
Aspectual oppositions from Proto-Indo-European to Latin
Dag Haug 61–72
On the development of actionality, tense, and viewpoint from Early to 
Late Latin
Gerd V.M. Haverling 73–104
Continuity and change: The history of two Greek tenses
Eva-Carin Gerö and Hans Ruge 105–129
Actionality and aspect in Hittite
Folke Josephson 131–147
Imperfectivity and complete events
Atle Grønn 149–165
Predicative verbs of transition in Portuguese and Spanish: A 
cognitive approach to aspect, aktionsart, and tense
Ingmar Söhrman and Kåre Nilsson 167–184
The Old Nordic Middle Voice in the pre-literary period: Questions of 
grammaticalisation and cliticisation
Kjartan Ottósson 185–219
The relevance of tense and aspect in Semitic Languages: The case of 
Hebrew and Arabic
Sven-Olof Dahlgren 221–247
The verb phrase in the Kerebe language
Christina Thornell 249–281
Comparative TAM morphology in Niger-Congo: The case of persistive, 
and some other markers in Bantu
Jouni Filip Maho 283–298
Indexicals as sources of case markers in Australian languages
William B. McGregor 299–321
Differential object marking in Sahidic Coptic
Åke Engsheden 323–344
Index  345–350

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